Happy Independence Day!

For all my fellow American readers, get out there and get some hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill! Have an ice-cold beer on BoLS. For our UK readers, well it looks like our little revolution is still rolling, even 230+ years down the road.
This is the perfect day for everyone to grab your rebel armies, find a tabletop and throw off “Da Man’s” yoke of oppression. If you have a Lost and the Damned, Rebel Guard, Warmachine Magnus’ Army, X-Wing Rebels, Heresy Traitor Legion or anything like it, fly your revolutionary flag, and get in a battle.
I personally suggest nothing but 1776pt games today!
~Come back here and let us know how your fledgling rebellious efforts turned out. Playful jabs are encouraged! (PS, for our UK readers, we will be sending over the bill for cleanup of the White House after you guys burned it during the War of 1812) 🙂