Necromunda Cops, GW New Minis, Warcry, Luke Gygax, Starfinder, Battletech’s Million, plus X-Wing and AoS Winners

This weekend saw GW’s new releases, Enforcers coming to Necromunda, Luky Gygax talking D&D, Starfinder, Chult Realmguide, Battletech made a cool million bucks, plus X-Wing and Age of Sigmar winning lists. Did I mention Pimpcron?
Pimpcron: The Warhammer Score Handicap System
Pimpcron has a brand-new way to balance your games!
X-Wing Top List Of The Week: July 27th – It’s Vader Time
Take a look at who’s winning, losing and this week’s top championship list in X-Wing – brought to you by BCP.
AoS: Corpsewrack Mausoleum & Cypher Lords Unboxed
We’re delving into the Mysterious Cypher Lords warband along with the repackaged Corpsewrack Mausoleum for Warcry!
40K Deep Thought: The Hammer Or The Anvil
In modern 40k is it better to be the Hammer or the Anvil on the tabletop? Let’s chat.
Realm Guide: The Jungle Peninsula of Chult
Tomb of Annihilation fans – this one is for you. Get ready to adventure in the jungles of Chult!
GW Pre-Orders Pricing & Links: Warcry – For Real This Time
Warcry is up for pre-order for a second weekend. It’s shipping next week! Plus some Old School MTO Sorcerers are now available.
AoS: List Of The Week – Nagash’s Dread Legions And Baleful Blades
Nagash’s Legions, led by a Wight King, take the lead this week. Find out more as we bring you the top championship list in Age of Sigmar – brought to you by BCP.
40K Lore: The Elysian Drop Troops
Come gather ’round Loremasters, as we discuss the legends of the Astra Militarum. Today, we discuss the storied history and grav-itas of the Elysians.
Starfinder: The Azlanti Star Empire Awaits On Roll20
Against the Aeon Throne, the adventure path which pits Starfinder heroes against an ancient starfaring empire, newly returned, is now on Roll20.
40K: The Dark Truth Behind Saint Celestine’s Rebirth Unveiled In New Book
In the upcoming Celestine: The Living Saint readers can discover what happens when Celestine dies and is reborn on the battlefield. This and other news from the Black Library.
New Battletech Kickstarter Raises One Million Dollars With 20 Days To Go
The Battletech: Clan Invasion kickstarter, which introduces new mechs, sourcebooks, and more to the classic game, has raised more than $1,000,000.
D&D Tips And Tricks From Luke Gygax
Get your D&D tips straight from the son of the Horse’s Mouth. As part of the Founders & Legends Stream, Luke Gygax shares his best tips and tricks.
GW Next Week: Warbands, Stormvaults, And Necromunda’s Enforcers
It’s a skirmish extravaganza next week across the worlds of Warhammer. New Warbands, and Necromunda’s Palatine Enforcers.