RPG: The One Ring – More Cultures And Art Revealed

The One Ring is one of the best looking RPGs we’ve seen in a while–it looks set to capture the wonder of the 3rd Age. Come see what’s newly revealed!
Cubicle 7 is knocking it out of the park these days, what with their Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay adventures, their revisions of Wrath and Glory, and of course, the steady progress with Age of Sigmar’s Soulbound, the RPG. But today I’m far more interested in what they are bringing to Middle Earth. The One Ring is the name of the game, and with its 2nd Edition in the works, here’s a look at a few other things that have recently been unearthed.
via Cubicle 7
Last week we revealed the cover for The One Ring – The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying Game by Johan Grenier. Along with the hugely positive reception, a number of canny fans spotted that there seemed to be more to the scene that we couldn’t see. This week we’re happy to show off the full piece in all its glory.
There’s so much to see here–the fellowship-esque cast of characters at the bottom by the riverbank, or the Rider of Rohan casually lurking in the background. But this artwork isn’t all. Here are some new options, recently revealed.
I don’t know how you could bear to play anything else, now that we know Beornings will be in the game.
Or play one of the displaced dwarves, who has only relatively recently made their way back to live and serve with the King under the Mountain.
Or if you’d prefer a little more haughtiness but also that air of danger that comes with dwelling deep in the Mirkwood, then turn to the Mirkwood Elves.
And of course, there’s the Rider of Rohan, ready to prove that she also can take down the witch-king of Angmar.
Be sure and check back for more One Ring updates. In the meantime, happy adventuring!