Star Wars: Legion – Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion

The Rebellion is calling in their toughest troopers yet. Meet the Rebel Veteran unit!
The Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion is coming soon from Fantasy Flight Games and with it, the Rebels are bringing some striking new firepower their way. If you’ve been wanting a deadly unit more than capable of taking the fight to the Empire, then these troopers are for you!
“Nothing is certain for the Rebel Alliance. Constantly on the run from the watchful eye of the Empire, the Rebellion moves from planet to planet, with only the hope of someday seeing the galaxy freed from the tyranny of the Empire to keep them going. Nonetheless, those who have served the Rebellion the longest remain ready to fight for the cause on any world.”
Trust Your Veteran Instincts
As a naturally defensive unit, the Veterans are great when it comes to taking and holding positions. They are more dodgy than their Imperial Counterparts and they are also fairly accurate too. When you issue them an order, they can coordinate with Emplacements and also gain a dodge token – now that is some action economy right there!
Upgrade Options
Rebel Veteran allows you to add another mini to the unit – this one is pretty self-explanatory.
Endurance allows you to remove 1 suppression token at the end of the Activation Phase.
Environmental Gear is perfect for getting your Vets in where you need them as they can ignore difficult terrain with this upgrade option.
Overwatch is another great option that allows them to take advantage of those deadly blasters of theirs.
And when you need to up the damage of the unit, the CM-0/93 Trooper is a great addition. Everyone likes bonus crits, right?!
Serious Firepower
As an extra detachment to the unit, the Rebel Veterans can also take the dreaded Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper. Deadly in it’s own right, it has the ability to lend it’s fire to friendly units attacking another target. With range 1-3 and 4 black dice, it’s a welcome dose of firepower!
Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion $29.95
With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Through the countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds that they have seen, Rebel veterans can always be relied upon to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.
Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards allowing you to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!
The Rebel Vets are slated for a release in Q3 of 2019!