Star Wars: Legion – Republic Forces Preview From Clone Wars

Star Wars: Legion is getting a brand new Clone Wars era core set. Check out the Forces of the Republic in the new starter box!
It’s the Separatist Alliance and the Republic’s Clone Warriors throwing down in the upcoming Clone Wars Core Set for Star Wars: Legion. Today, we’re taking a closer look at the forces of the Republic lead by the legendary Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi!
Once the guardians of peace and justice, the Jedi are now called into an all-out war for survival. Fighting side-by-side, Jedi and Clone Troopers are a formidable force. But the Separatists command innumerable battle droids, ready to crush all who stand in their way. Soon, you’ll be able to play out the battles of this pivotal period of the Star Wars saga with the Clone Wars Core Set for Star Wars™: Legion.
Inside the box, you’ll find plenty of Republic Forces to get you started. There will be fourteen Phase I Clone Troopers, a BARC Speeder, and of course their leader – the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi!
Obi-Wan has quite a few defensive advantages. He is a Soresu Master and that allows him to redirect damage back to his attackers. He also has Guardian 3 and Immune: Pierce! That’s going to make him one tough target to take down. But don’t think for a second that Kenobi is no threat in combat – he DOES have a lightsaber after-all! That alone has 2 red, 2 black, and 2 white dice on the attack – plus Critical 2, Impact 2, and Pierce 2. Seriously, don’t get caught in a fight against Kenobi when he has the highground.
As far as his Command Cards, he has “Hello There!” which gives him the Nimble keyword plus a TON of token options that will allow you to pick-and-choose what you need at just the right moment.
“Knowledge and Defense” allows him to step-up his impressive defensive game even further by giving him 1 dodge token for each other friendy trooper unit within range 1! Plus he can utilize Guardian during a Melee attack. Impressive.
And finally, let’s not forget Obi-Wan Kenobi is also a General. His third Command Card really allows your forces to quite literally surge together. And speaking of the forces at his command…
Clone Troopers are no joke! They might not have the numbers like the Droid Army, but they make up for it with an unrivaled combat prowess. The Phase I Clone Troopers in particular are some of the most Elite fighters of any faction.
One nasty trick they have is the ability to combine fire with the Fire Support ability. This allows two units of clone troopers to essentially double-up the shots on a target. When you combine that with the weapon options open to them, whatever they are firing at will be in a world of hurt!
And then there is the BARC Speeder. This fast moving support vehicle will allow your Clone Troopers to get where they need to be and do some real damage.
The gunner in the side car turns this vehicle into a deadly mobile weapons platform. You can use either the Twin Laser Gunner to add shots to the rear arc or you can take the Ion Gunner for hunting droids. There is also the RPS-6 Gunner for taking on heavy armored foes.
This new Core Set is due out soon with a Q3 release date! Prepare your forces – the Clone Wars have begun!
Clone Wars Core Set $99.95
Which side will you choose to ally with in the Clone Wars?