Star Wars: Legion – Tauntaun Rider Unit Preview

Saddle-up with a Tauntaun in this new unit preview for Star Wars: Legion!
The new Tauntaun riders actually DON’T stink in Star Wars: Legion – or maybe it’s just the cold deadening my sense of smell. Regardless, Fantasy Flight Games is showing off what these beasts-of-burden can do on the tabletop in the hands of the right player.
This expansion brings a new support unit to aid your Rebel forces on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. Two unique Tauntaun Rider miniatures relentlessly charge into battle, harrying the enemy with fire from their DL-44 blaster pistols or attacking with their Tauntauns’ horns and hind claws. Already well-equipped for living in harsh climates, three upgrade cards invite you to make your Tauntaun Riders even more hearty with new training or comms systems.
The Tauntaun’s might not of gotten a ton of screen time in the Battle of Hoth but don’t let that fool you. This unit can be quite effective thanks to a few special tricks it has up it’s furry sleeves. For starters, it’s got a mean set of Horns and Hind Claws that make it scary in close-combat. And the rider on top is no slouch with a DL-44 Blaster Pistol to plink some damage at range.
Tauntauns also have quite a few special rules to aid them on the battlefield too. Agile 1 grants you a dodge token after a move while Relentless also gives you a free attack action. Reposition allows you to take a free pivot action before or after you move as well! Basically Tauntauns are going to be able to bound around the battlefield with a dodge, attack, and pivot action all for free every time they move – seems handy. Oh and Sharpshooter 1 reduces your targets cover by 1 AND Unhindered means you also don’t care about difficult terrain.
And those Horns and Hind Claws also come with Ram 1 which means when you make a move at full speed, your attack gets a free crit result!
Now, if you prefer to use your Tauntauns as more of a disrupting force, don’t forget about taking the Comms Jammer along for the ride. It will cut off your opponent’s troopers from getting orders, provided you’re in range.
Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion $24.95
The windswept plains of Hoth are treacherous even to native beasts, but tauntaun riders are trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts, searching tirelessly for signs of the Empire. The tauntauns themselves can be quite dangerous, and few enemies wish to find themselves in the path of these ferocious snow lizards.
Within this expansion, you’ll find two unique unpainted tauntaun rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense mechanisms make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.
The Tauntaun Riders are set to Mount-up in Q3 of 2019 – get your pre-orders now!