40K: Space Marine Codex Supplements – Who’s Getting One

With four Space Marine Chapters getting Supplement Codexes it’s time to take some stabs at the likely candidates.
Now that Games Workshop has announced Space Marines are getting a new codex along with 6 different Codex Supplements, 2 of which have been confirmed as Ultramarines and White Scars, we’re really curious as to who the other 4 books are going to be for. With that in mind, we’ve put together a short list of candidates we think are the best fits for the remaining books.
We do want to mention that we don’t believe those supplements are going to be Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Grey Knights, or Deathwatch. We wouldn’t be surprised of those each got their own books in addition to the new Space Marine Codex. They are just too divergent to get lumped in with the Codex Supplements. So, with that said, lets dive in!
Iron Hands
First and foremost, the Iron Hands are up on our list for one very simple reason: GW already teased a new Iron Hands Primaris Character months ago.
A new Codex Supplement seems like the perfect time to release the model along with the book. Plus the Iron Hands have been a part of the Space Marine books for a couple editions now and have a following. Why not give them a chance to shine a little brighter!
Imperial Fists
GW may have tipped their hand on this one in the announcement.
“To suggest that an Imperial Fist and a White Scar fight in the same way is nearly heresy – and the new codex and codex supplements really lean into the distinct identities of each Chapter to ensure they work on the tabletop the way they do in the lore.”
Yes, it would be heresy…also it sure would be convenient to mention one of the Chapters getting a Supplemental book in the article without directly showing them, right? We know how GW likes to hide things in plain sight. And they do have a particular character that would make a great fit as an updated Primaris:
It’s not that the model is bad, per se, but imagine a new Lysander model juiced-up like Calgar’s model:
Lysander in MK X Gravis Armor, wielding the Fist of Dorn? C’mon! That would be rad and you know it.
Here’s another curve ball for you – what if it’s not called Codex Supplement: Imperial Fists – but Codex Supplement: Sons of Dorn. Now you can also include the Black Templars AND the Crimson Fists in the book as well. We could get an update to the Pedro Kantor and High Marshal Helbrecht at the same time! It’s a possibility, however, it would dilute the statement above of leaning “into the distinct identities of each Chapter” but it’s just an idea for you to chew on.
The Salamanders, another First Founding Chapter with a long history, would be another highly likely candidate. They have a chapter tactic and a well liked. Plus, they have a character who would be great remade as a Primaris Marine with some extra detail – Vulkan He’stan:
A larger Primaris version with the Spear of Vulkan and the Gauntlet of the Forge would look great! Toss in that epic looking cape and I’m sold.
Raven Guard
They check all the boxes. They are a First Founding Chapter, have rules that have been in the codexes, and have an important character that could undergo the Primaris Protocol. Time to upgrade Shrike to Prime Time folks:
With Shrike, you’ve got the last of the Space Marine Chapters mentioned in the current codex that have chapter tactics as well. The only one left out is the Black Templars – but the solution for that is above.
I’ve got to say, it would be cool to see each of the First Founding Chapters get their own supplement. Maybe GW thinks so, too. Now it’s just going to be a matter of time to see what they decide to do – and which chapters make the cut!
How do you suppose they are going to fill all those Codex Supplements? Lots of new background? Lots of new units and rules? Maybe new psychic powers for all? Who knows!