Age of Sigmar: Judgement Comes For The Tithe

Something big is coming to the Age of Sigmar–the Tithe must be paid. Part two of this mysterious teaser has been revealed, come see for yourself.
The mysterious Tithe has another teaser video now, giving us a glimpse into who the mysterious voice behind everything is. First up, let’s watch the new video:
The being speaking reveals they were once a general, serving in the Realm of Death. There’s some delicious Tomb King flavors here, which speaks to the skeletal theme of everything. It’s a Tithe of Bones. The armies of the General go out and weigh the offerings of each city–offerings of bones. And if the tithe of bones isn’t paid, then the army–also of bones, presumably–takes the harvest. Of bones.
Whatever is coming, it’s bound to be wrapped up in bones. Which makes sense. Nagash has been killing it, hah, on the ghost front lately. Now it’s time to unleash the bones and watch what happens as the Mortal Realm is judged.
You can see the silhouette in the picture up there is wearing some kind of altar, holding some kind of decree (probably also of bones), so it looks like it’s time to start getting ready for bones.
What do you think the Tithe portends?