Age of Sigmar: The Most Needed Battletome Updates

With the recent Bone Tithe teasers, here’s three AoS factions I’m hoping get an update soon, and what sorts of things we need to see for them.
With the recent Bone Tithe videos and the recent convention reveals (with another on the way) Age of Sigmar has a lot of exciting things on the horizon. However, several factions have been due for an update for quite a while, and it’s high time that was seen to.
Disciples of Tzeentch
As it stands, Tzeentch is the least updated of the god-centric Chaos factions, and it definitely shows in their current rules. They lack a dedicated terrain piece, they don’t have any devoted Endless Spells (which Nurgle doesn’t either but they have enough other tricks to cover it), and their summoning points are the least consistent. The models are very fun, and the rules are fairly competitive, but they feel like the only Chaos army that can have its summoning resource completely shut down by the opponent’s army choice (i.e. lack of wizards, especially Khorne or one of the Duardin factions). They are certainly not a weak army, and the Destiny Dice pool could easily turn a game around, but some things just don’t quite fit.
I would love to see them get access to some really gnarly Endless spells, maybe even more than 3 considering Tzeentch’s proclivity for the mystic arts, and a terrain piece that buffs their magic and helps them generate their coveted Fate Points. I’d also love to see the battalions and subfactions updated to feel a little more viable, even if they lose some of their potency, and I’d also like to see the Fatemaster gain access to spellcasting if he is going to remain in the Coven battalion.
Kharadron Overlords
Oh, the poor long-suffering sky-dwarves. They have an incredible looking army, and some of the most beautiful centerpiece models in the game (those frigates were one of the first things that attracted me to AoS when they were shown to me) but their rules leave much to be desired. For all their power, all their guns and firepower, they fall fairly flat after their initial barrage and are usually swept aside in the ensuing combat phase. Even their subfactions aren’t all that exciting in the long run, and without a VERY effective first turn, they don’t come anywhere close to being competitive in my opinion. If GW doesn’t tie them into Cities of Sigmar, which I honestly hope they don’t, they need to give them something to give them more of a close combat edge and of course a terrain piece.
I think it would be cool to give them a piece that could heal or power up their frigates, maybe forcing them to stay stationary and “docked” to gain the benefits. I’m not sure what they could give them to be an equivalent for Endless spells, but something for their ships might be really cool.
Daughters of Khaine
This one is strange because as it stands the Daughters are FAR from low tier, being one of the more powerful armies currently in the meta. One thing I would honestly hope to see, and I hate saying this about an army that I love so much, is maybe having their power dialed back just a bit. On the other hand, of course, with the recent upswing of ridiculously powerful updates (looking at you Hedonites), I wouldn’t mind seeing the Daughters keep all their power and just gain all the toys everyone else has.
Some Endless Prayers for their priestesses and maybe a terrain piece that escalated the Blood Rites table would be really fun to see, and as with the others an update to their battalions and subfactions to make them a little more manageable. I’d also like to see a small buff to the Doomfire Warlocks to make them a little more popular on the table.
What armies do you think most need updates?