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AoS Warcry: The Corvus Cabal Fights For A Good Caws

2 Minute Read
Aug 7 2019
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It’s time for the baddest bird boys in the Eightpoints to get down to business; take a look at why the Corvus Cabal travels in a murder.

The Corvus Cabal are possibly my favorite of the new Warbands — and what’s not to love? They deck themselves out in bird-regalia, making them majestic and macabre, and on top of that, they’re creepy scavengers who worship an aspect of Chaos that isn’t explicitly one of the big four. They worship an aspect of Chaos called the Great Gatherer, whom they venerate by hunting prey, picking clean their corpses, and stealing loots. Hmm, sounds familiar…

As far as how they play, the Corvus Cabal are the masters of attacking from an unexpected angle. Movement is at the core of what they do, whether it’s leaping over cover, attacking over a wall, or my favorite, death from above. Let’s take a look at some of their fighters.

The Shrike Talon is going to be one of your lynchpin units. They are incredibly fast and can deal a lot of damage, but they’re relatively fragile, so you’ll want to use them to swoop in and pick off weaker foes since they can move around. And with abilities like Swooping Attack, they can descend upon an unsuspecting enemy and pick them off handily.

The Spire Stalkers, on the other talon, are a great all-rounder for the cabal with their wicked blades and decent movement. You’ll be using these to hold the line while the rest of your cabal bats clean up.


But these birds of a feather are at their best when flocking together. Grisly Trophy is great for helping them to punch above your weight during one of those clutch clashes.

TheĀ word of the Great Gatherer has come to the Eightpoints.

And in case you haven’t heard — bird is that word.


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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