Arkham Horror: Dead of Night Preview – Two More Investigators Revealed

Fantasy Flight Games is showcasing two more of the investigators from the upcoming Dead of Night Expansion for Arkham Horror: The Board Game!
It’s Science and Magic in today’s reveal from FFG for the new Arkham Horror: The Board Game expansion. Two more investigators are being showcased so say hello to Kate Winthrop and Diana Stanley!
The investigators of Arkham Horror come from all walks of life. While some rely on science and observable fact to deconstruct the mysteries surrounding Arkham, others take a more enigmatic approach. Unraveling the mysteries of Arkham with rituals and spells, putting their own sanity at risk as they face the dead of night.
Join us today as we preview two new investigators in Dead of Night, the first expansion for Arkham Horror Third Edition.
Kate Winthrop – The Scientist
Kate Winthrop is a research scientist at the Miskatonic University. She and a fellow scientist, Professor Young, were pioneers in the field of dimensional science. However, a lab accident opened a portal to another dimension and a creature emerged. That creature then proceeded to tear Professor Young to pieces. Kate lived, but the memories if that day still haunt her which is why she’s determined to keep that from ever happening again.
Kate starts every game with her handy Research Notes. With an Observation of 4, she’ll make quick work of finding and researching clues – the Research Notes will undoubtedly aid with that! And like all the other investigators, Kate Winthrop also has the option to take 1 of two other items at the start of the game:
The Flux Stabilizer is honestly kind of amazing! It allows you to prevent a doom or a non-epic monster from being placed in the same neighborhood as Kate. While that might not seem like much, it can help keep her safe from Doom and also monsters. It also saves you actions because now you DON’T have to deal with those things.
Replicable Findings is her other option and it can add up pretty quickly for Kate, provided she can nail those research actions and get at least 2 successes per test. You (typically) win games by placing clues on the scenario sheet. Well, maybe not win – this is Arkham Horror after all! But placing clues does help you advance the quest faster so it’s still important. This card also combos rather well with her Investigator Ability, too. If you’re looking for the more synergistic option, this might be it.
Diana Stanley – The Reformed Cultist
Diana Stanley was just a small business owner who was looking for a way to increase her social and economic standing in Arkham. She joined the Silver Twilight Lodge out of pure and petty greed. While it might of started small secrets like these never stay that way. She might have been reaping the benefits of the Lodge, but she can no longer ignore how she gained the power. Diana has seen the murderous inner circle of the lodge and it was enough for her to want to stop it from the inside.
Her Investigator Ability allows her to bypass horror taking horror at the cost of placing doom in her space. That’s dangerous for lots of reasons, but that hasn’t stopped Diana before. In fact, it played right into her default ability Dark Insight:
Again, you have to be careful with mounting doom – but Diana can tap into that to get some pretty great combos. Take a look at her two optional cards to see what I mean:
Call the Storm does add doom, but with the ability to do a flat 3 damage to each monster in a space, that could be worth it! If you buff her Lore, and have a couple doom in your square (for the bonus +1s you can toss around) you can just about kill anything short of an epic monster! On the flip side, Stolen Amulet combos nicely with her innate ability, too. You can take direct horror to do a bonus action – or redirect that horror to your ability to drop two doom in your square. You might bite yourself in the butt with this one, but it could also be a handy way to get some extra actions. Who needs sanity anyways, right?!
Dead of Night $29.95
Kate Winthrop pulled the collar of her long coat tight against her neck to ward o the creeping chill of a damp autumn night. With a squeal of tires, a long black car raced by, pursued closely by a police wagon. Kate pressed herself up against the iron railing of the bridge over the Miskatonic to keep clear of the chaos.
She’d read in the papers about the recent upsurge in violent crime and felt the increasing tension all around the city. As the nights grew longer, she noticed a deeper darkness lurking in the shadows around Arkham, and the instruments in her research lab at the university were responding to some influence that she couldn’t observe.
Something was coming.
Step into a world of horror with Dead of Night, a new expansion for Arkham Horror Third Edition!
In Dead of Night, investigators explore the facets of Arkham best left unseen in the light of day. Organized crime builds a strong foothold in the city, secret cults labor for a dark master, an alien moon hangs overhead, and unknowable horrors stalk the night. is expansion includes two all-new scenarios, new encounters for every location in Arkham, new monsters and anomalies, and four new investigators to face these fresh horrors, armed with new spells, items and allies.
Magic vs Science? Yeah…something like that.