Bolt Action: Korea – This MASH Unit Looks Mighty Familiar

This set is a great way to add realism to your table, and some colorful characters with acerbic senses of humor to your games. You might see a resemblance to some beloved characters from a particular multiple award winning television show. Maybe. Possibly.
The Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (or MASH, if you like), was designed to get experienced personnel closer to the front. This way, the wounded could be treated sooner and with greater success. Casualties were first treated on the field through buddy aid, then routed through Battalion Aid Stations for emergency stabilizing surgery. Finally, they would be routed to the MASH for the most extensive treatment. This proved to be highly successful; during the Korean War, a seriously wounded soldier who made it to a MASH unit alive had a greater than 97% chance of survival once he received treatment.
Of course, with the increased use of aeromedical evacuation through the use of helicopters, the wounded could receive treatment even sooner. The reduced death rate in comparison with previous conflicts can be directly attributed to these air evacuations.
There are a number of ways you can use the contents. They could be a major feature of terrain on a battlefield. You could use them as objective markers; particularly ideal in Scenario 13- Valkyrie (Page 58 of Bolt Action: Korea). You could even use the infantry to count as medics or officers in your US Army platoons. Or perhaps you would simply like to create a diorama?
One of the new features of Bolt Action Korea is the implementation of helicopters in its ruleset. The inclusion of Medevac helicopters provides a boon to your medics on the battlefield. We always think this rule is best represented with helicopter models on the tabletop!
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital – $64.00
- MASH unit box (10 metal infantry)
- Sioux Helicopter (MDF set)
- Nissen / Quonset Hut (MDF set)
- Plus a FREE US Military Policeman on Harley Davidson motorcycle (1 Metal figure)