Codex Space Marines, New 40K Units, D&D Tips, Warmachine & CMON’s House Baratheon

Codex Space Marines releases are here, see the Codex, Impulsor, Librarians, and GW’s new Stormvault boardgame. Then we cover tips for new D&D players, Privateer’s new Warmachine releases and CMON’s House Baratheon Starter.
Warhammer 40K: Primaris Dark Angels Coming In September’s White Dwarf
According to some leaked images of the new White Dwarf, the Dark Angels will be seeing some more Primaris, come September. Take a look.
Warhammer 40k: Lost and Found Units of Codex Space Marines
Today we answer the question – what units are missing from Codex Space Marines and where did they go?
Games Workshop: Stormvault – A Cooperative Board Game
Enter the Stormvault! It’s the new Cooperative Boardgame from Games Workshop set in the Mortal Realms!
Warhammer 40K: Codex Space Marines Overview
There are some pretty big changes in the new Codex Space Marines!
D&D: The Perfect Tutorial Level For New Players
Got friends who have never played and RPG, let alone D&D? Here’s the perfect level to introduce them to the game!
CMON: House Baratheon Starter Set
Come see the insides of the House Baratheon Starter Set from CMON for the ASOIAF Tabletop Miniatures Game!
Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Pricing & Links – Space Marines Weekend
The Space Marine Codex is now up for Pre-Order. The Emperor Protects!
Warhammer 40K: Impulsor Rules – First Look
Come take a look at the rules for the Space Marines’ new ride. It’s an impressive piece of technology!
Privateer Press New Releases – To Oblivion And Beyond
Come take a look at what’s new from Privateer Press this week–Infernals of all stripes and the great ape himself, General Hondo! Onward to Oblivion!
Warhammer 40K: Psychic Might – Disciplines of the Librarians
Today we take a look at the 4 Psychic Disciplines from Codex Space Marines, Ultramarines, and White Scars.
Warhammer 40K Next Week – Invictors, Shadowspear Heroes, And A New Lieutenant
It is a Space Marine extravaganza this week folks. With four new releases announced for next weekend, it seems like the Adeptus is really getting Astarted.