Geekery: Cult Film ‘Greener Grass’ is Intensely Weird

If you’re a fan of Black Mirror and/or surrealist and satirical cinema, you’ll want to watch this trailer for Greener Grass.
Some context before you wade in…
In a day-glo-colored, bizarro version of suburbia where adults wear braces on their already-straight teeth, everyone drives golf carts, and children magically turn into golden retrievers, soccer moms and best friends Jill (Jocelyn DeBoer) and Lisa (Dawn Luebbe) are locked in a passive aggressive battle-of-the-wills that takes a turn into the sinister when Lisa begins systematically taking over every aspect of Jill’s life—starting with her newborn daughter. Meanwhile, a psycho yoga teacher killer is on the loose, Jill’s husband (Beck Bennett) has developed a curious taste for pool water, and Lisa is pregnant with a soccer ball.
It played at Sundance and SXSW this year to good reviews from its core audience. It’s definitely not going to appeal to the mainstream filmgoer – it’s a true genre/cult film. My favorite pull quote is from J. Hurtado over on ScreenAnarchy:
“Landing somewhere between the dreamy hellscape of Lynch’s Blue Velvet and the joyous vulgarity of Waters’ Polyester, Greener Grass occupies an odd space of its own in the annals of the suburban satire.”
I’m a big fan of unsettling absurdist movies (as well as Lynch and Waters), so I’m willing to give it a shot. What are y’all thinking?
Greener Grass hits IFC streaming on October 18th.