Goatboy’s 40K: White Scars Bikers – RIDE!

Goatboy here and I want you to know I like Bikers. Here’s what I’ve come up with for White Scars.
I love bikers. I think I might make one for some of my Chaos Armies as a unit of double shooting dudes would be handy with a friendly set of Chaos Knights. Mix this in with the new Shock Assault, and you’ve got a nice bit of shooting with assault nonsense. I said I would try to limit my Chaos army building tendencies, so we’ll look at making a White Scars army list instead. There seems to be a lot of love in that book for bikers even though I can only take three units of them. With that in mind, let’s see how many dumb biker things I can shove together into a White Scars army.
We’ll start with the top as I think we need as many Biker Characters as we can. I won’t use Index stuff because there is the whole issue of not having Angels of Death rule, which means a ton of options are shut off for them. Plus, I really need to not look at using the index as a crutch for my army even though I use it on the Chaos Space Marine side with biker characters.
Let’s start with a Supreme Command of Biker Captains mixed with some Utility. From there I will fill out a Battalion and go from there. I am going to try to do mostly Primaris because it just seems cooler and even uses that damned Impulsor that isn’t out yet. I am sure not all of this will fit, but it is worth a try.
Supreme Command – +1CP
Chapter – White Scars
Kor’sarro Khan – 105pts
Captain on Bike, Chainsword, Thunder Hammer – 130pts
Captain on Bike, Chainsword, Thunder Hammer – 130pts
Battalion – +5CP
Chapter – White Scars
Primaris Librarian – 98pts
Primaris Lieutenant – 69pts
Infiltrator Squad X 8 – 176pts
Intercessor Squad X 5 – 85pts
Intercessor Squad X 5 – 85pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Impulsor – Storm Bolters X 2, Shield Dome – 97pts
Impulsor – Storm Bolters X 2, Shield Dome – 97pts
Impulsor – Storm Bolters X 2, Shield Dome – 97pts
Outrider Detachment – +1CP
Chapter – White Scars
Khan on Bike – 105pts
Bike Squad X 8 + Attack Bike – Chainsword X 7, Thunder Hammer X 1, Heavy Bolter – 237pts
Bike Squad X 8 + Attack Bike – Chainsword X 7, Thunder Hammer X 1, Heavy Bolter – 237pts
Bike Squad X 8 + Attack Bike – Chainsword X 7, Thunder Hammer X 1, Heavy Bolter – 237pts
PTS: 1982 CP + 10
The army is using the Infiltrators to protect the center and keep some things from surprising them. The Impulsors let some of the characters move up so you can bolter storm units with your three biker units, and the characters are there to deal with big mean stuff. I didn’t put any relics on anyone as I think there are some things you can do by adding on some powerful options and layered warlord traits. I like Khan because if I ever did the army I have one already painted.
It has a lot of bodies, a lot of bullets, and might actually do well within the ITC format. I think the three Impulsors might be too much, but I needed cheaper rides for the Primaris characters that allowed me a good deal of movement to cast spells, have powerful auras and give a better middle of the board presence. It is too bad those models are not out yet so I can worry about getting boxes from clients and complaining about how annoying they are to put together (Ryan…).
~ Ride for the Khan!