GW Rumor Engine: It’s A Hair Band

Well, sort of. The new Rumor Engine from Games Workshop is out – behold the wonder of…hair?
It’s Tuesday which means Games Workshop is dropping in a brand new Rumor Engine for us all to pour over. This one is strange – we’ve got some ideas, but take a look at what GW is teasing first:
“The future is here now! Only a select few can hope to uncover its true meaning – are you one of the chosen?”
Clearly it’s some type of hair with ties around it. My first instinct screams “Dwarf Beard” which, it could be – the Duradin of AoS seem like a good start, right? Between the Fyreslayers crazy hair and the Dispossessed – surely this seems like a good fit.
However, there is something that bothers me about this particular strand of hairs. The Duradin take a lot of pride in their beards and typically have some pretty neat and well kept braids. This doesn’t resemble a neatly braided strand of hairs.
It doesn’t look like it’s been combed – and what self-respecting dwarf duradin would go to battle looking unkempt?
There is also something about the way the hair is falling – it reminds me more of a tail. Like a horse tail that’s been banded up – and I think this fits that more. At the same time, GW’s old sculpts for horses are kind of plain. AoS seems to be moving away from your old school horses like these:
And moving over to more exotic and wild creatures like these:
So it might not be a tail at all! Or at least not a “horse” tail…Anyhow, there is also the possibility it’s not even for AoS in which case it would be for some unit in 40k. I’m not even sure where to start with that one.
Alright Internet, I’m turning this mystery over to you – what do you think this this new Rumor Engine is teasing for our future? Let us know in the comments!