GW’s NOVA Seminar: What To Expect

Games Workshop has been teasing a lot of stuff recently and here is what we’re expecting them to show off at NOVA 2019!
I hope you’re ready for an exciting mid-week Seminar from this year at NOVA. On top of the big gaming events going on and the charity raffle and all that other awesome stuff, GW is going to drop us some juicy tidbits. What will they be showing off? We have some clues but we don’t know for sure. That said, here what’s been teased and are likely candidates for making an appearance at the NOVA Seminar:
Warhammer 40,000
Next Phase of Space Marines Supplementals
There are 4 more supplements on the way – now we just want to know what the heck they are and if more characters are on the way. Also, where is my Techmarine!?
Psychic Awakening
We got this teaser and now we have questions. Will we see more of this at NOVA? We sure hope so!
Aeronautica Imperialis (future plans)
Aeronautica is coming this weekend – so wouldn’t it make sense to ride that hype-train with more info about future plans? We sure think so!
A New 40k Surprise?
We know Sisters of Battle are on the way and we know Space Marines are getting some new books – but what ELSE will GW tease about Warhammer 40,000? A new army? More updates to existing armies? Something completely out of the blue? That’s part of the fun! What do you think it will be at NOVA this year?
Age of Sigmar
Full Reveal of the Bone Tithe
We know that GW is showing off The Tithe – we just can’t wait to see what the miniatures actually look like! We’re pretty excited about this release. GW has a Knack for Death’s style and we want more.
Warcry – Two missing Warbands
These two Warbands were shown off in Warcry book – so where are they? Hopefully hanging out at NOVA!
Warhammer Underworlds – Season 3 News
Warhammer Underworlds Season 3 is coming. We’d like to hear more news about Beastgrave and what the other new Warbands will be – any teasers will be very welcome!
Ogor Tyrant – Feast of Bones
You didn’t forget about the Ogors, did you? We know this new Tyrant is coming and if GW is revealing The Tithe, it seems logical that the Feast of Bone would come after the Tithe… just sayin’!
More Battletome News?
Orruk Warclans and Cities of Sigmar are getting new books – which probably means new Warscrolls, Endless Spells, and Terrain. We wonder what the heck those are going to look like!