Star Wars: Legion – Shoretroopers Expansion Announced

Welcome to Shore-watch. The Shoretroopers are coming to Star Wars: Legion!
Of all the deployments in the Empire, being a Shoretrooper on the sands of Scarif seems kind of nice. I mean, yeah, things do kind of go south in Rogue One, but those beaches looked amazing! Patrolling the beaches and looking for Rebels can’t happen that often, right? And what would you do with all that downtime? I’d go patrol the waves on my Imperial Issue Surfboard!
But this is Star Wars: Legion and not my head-canon. Let’s meet the Shoretroopers!
“The Imperial Stormtrooper Corps prepares its troops to do battle on any planet under any conditions. No matter how prepared they are, however, these general-purpose soldiers are no replacement for the Empire’s many troops trained to fight in specific environments. The beaches of Imperial-controlled planets are particularly vulnerable, with miles of coastline that could serve as landing zones for Rebel incursions.”
The core of the Shoretroopers unit is 5 Troopers packing the improved E-22 blaster. Rolling a black dice, it packs more of a punch than the E-11 Blasters their Imperial Counterparts wield. Furthermore, they also have Target 1 which means when they are issued an order, they also gain an Aim token. That makes them a bit more accurate and able to dive right into the fray.
The unit also has a couple of different options for upgrades to the unit. If you wanted to go for a strong defense and sit back – then you might want to invest in the mortar trooper option:
The DF-90 Mortar Trooper works best when you can stick in in the back and fire away. It’s got a few restrictions like Cumbersome and Fixed: Front – but when you get to open up with its firepower, the tradeoff can be well worth it.
The other option is the T-21b Trooper upgrade. This weapon is pricey but also packs one heck of a punch with 2 white and 2 black dice at ranges 1-4! And you’ll get that Critical 1, too.
When you need to protect your Imperial Beachfront property, you know who to call. The Shoretroopers are slated for a Q3 release!