Star Wars: Legion – The Mighty Dewback Preview

The Dewback Rider is coming soon – check out what makes the Dewback smile! Hint: It’s burning things!
That Dewback looks too happy. But that’s okay because even the Empire needs happy little units. The Dewback has a lot of reason to smile as well. This unit expansion is basically a walking tank!
For starters, the Dewback Rider has a lot of beef for the points. With Armor 1, Relentless, Reposition, Unhindered and the new Spur ability, this unit can cover some ground and take a hit at the same time.
And once it gets there, it’s target is going to have a bad time. With 3 red and 3 white dice – that’s mean! But when you couple that with Critical 2, and Suppressive, that’s a nasty set of attacks. And then there are the upgrade options…
The CR-24 Flame Rifle is perfect for putting a smile on your Dewback’s face. It’s short range but it has Blast so it ignores Cover and with Spray big units are goingo to feel that burn!!!
If you perfer to sit back and shoot, the RT-97C Blaster Rifle might be a bit more balanced. With 1 red and 3 white dice, it’s not a bad option for ranges 1-4.
Alternatively, The T-21 Blaster packs almost the same punch and is better at range. The Crit 2 is nice and it’s only a 10 point option.
However you decided to kit out your Dewback (FLAME ON) the expansion is slated for a Q3 release – so (hopefully) soon!
Dewback Rider Unit Expansion $24.95
The Empire often uses local creatures for its patrols, and in desert environments, Imperial troopers rely on dewbacks, mighty reptilian creatures that can survive extreme temperatures. Between the Sandtrooper rider’s array of weapons and the powerful claws of their mount, this duo is a force to be reckoned with.
Within this expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, beautifully-detailed Dewback miniature featuring a Sandtrooper rider with four distinct customization options: your Dewback Rider can be built carrying their standard shock prod, or you can equip them with three different weapons. On top of the ability to customize the look of your Dewback Rider, this Unit Expansion gives you plenty of ways to tweak how this unit operates in the thick of battle. Six upgrade cards accompany the miniature, letting you modify its armament, training, or the comms systems it carries into battle. Rounding out this expansion are a unit card and all the tokens you need to deploy it as a support unit for your Imperial armies.
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I think I’ll name him Trogdor…