Star Wars: X-Wing – Check Out The Pilots of the BTL-B Y-Wing

Fantasy Flight Games has a new preview out for the BTL-B Y-Wing for the Galactic Republic and it’s got some surprising Pilot options!
The Y-Wing is one of those Iconic ships from Star Wars and today we’re taking a closer look a version you might not be as familiar with. The BTL-B Y-Wing is a part of the Galactic Republic’s fleet and was used heavily in the Clone Wars Era. Star Wars: X-Wing is bringing this ship to the tabletop and some of your favorite characters are going to be able to hop in the pilot seat.
“This expansion contains a beautifully sculpted, pre-painted BTL-B Y-Wing miniature along with eight ship cards featuring pilots of all skill levels. In addition to these pilots, this expansion provides 10 upgrade cards that let you customize your BTL-B with bombs, turrets, gunners, and more.”
It’s not exactly the most nimble ship in the fleet, but this Republic Era ship is built for both durability and customization in mind. If you need a ship that can take a hit as well as dish it out, the BTL-B Y-Wing is a good place to start! Now, let’s meet the pilots.
The Pilots
We’re going to start with the two generic options. Red Squadron Bomber and the Shadow Squadron Veteran. Clocking in at Initiative 2 and 3, respectively, they don’t have a whole lot of bells and whistles. However, we get a closer look at the Plated Hull ability. Basically, it can save you a crit – but you still take a hit.
We also get a look at the rest of the stats on the ship. Nothing too surprising there. The Y-Wing was never a fast ship, but with 5 hull and 3 shields, it’s also not going to get knocked out by “light” fire either.
Moving on to the initiative 2 unique pilots, we have Goji and none other than R2-D2.
Goji has a unique ability that friendly ships at range 0-3 defends, it can get additional defense for friendly bombs nearby – which…I’m not sure how to feel about that. Anyhow…
R2-D2 is apparently going to be a pilot now – is there anything this little guy can’t do!? Clearly, the true hero of the Republic/Rebellion/Resistance. R2 has a way to generate some extra calculate tokens and that’s going to help keep his dice pool nimble even when the ship isn’t.
Broadside lives up to the name by being able to convert a turret attack from a blank to a focus result – if it’s in a side arc. Seems fitting!
If you’re the type of player that likes to really push that stress limit, Matchstick might be the one for you. You can re-roll primary and turret attacks for each red token you have.
Odd Ball is here to paint pretty pictures…IN SPAAAACE! But really, it’s all about getting those locks after getting a performing a red action or maneuver – just line up your shots.
And finally we have the Sand-king himself, Anakin Skywalker. With an initiative of 6, you know he’s fast. He’s also got 3 force points to spend on those tasty force treats. Furthermore, he’s got a way to remove stress if he’s got an enemy in his sights.
BTL-B Y-Wing Expansion Pack $19.95
Designed with an armored hull for extra durability and a bubble turret to keep enemies at bay, the Republic’s BTL-B Y-wing can run escort missions or lead an attack. Piloted by legendary Jedi and dedicated clone troopers, like Anakin Skywalker with his Shadow Squadron, this fearsome bomber performs reliably over any battlefield.
The BTL-B Y-Wing Expansion Pack contains everything you need to add one of these formidable ships to your Galactic Republic squadrons, including a BTL-B Y-wing miniature, eight ship cards, ten upgrade cards, and four Quick Build cards.
This ship is slated for a September 13th release! Mark your calendars and prep your squads now.