Warhammer 40K: Contrast Paints With Other Colors? Look No Further – Forbidden Tips Within

Contrast paints are meant to be used exclusively with the special Wraithbone or Grey Seer primers. But what if you use a different base/undercoat?
Here we go folks, returning once more to the world of Contrast Paints. These paints, which you can apply in one thick coat, have the amazing property of letting the colors beneath them shine through bright and clear. They are designed to go over either Wraithbone or Grey Seer–the two different Contrast primers. But today we’re taking a look at what happens if they go on over other colors.
Hopefully this is enough to get you started Contrasting up your minis with other colors. If you’re a newer painter, like myself, these paints are a quick, cheaty way to get your models looking like you know what you’re doing when it comes time to throw them down on the tabletop. Only maybe don’t actually throw them or people will look at you askance.
Happy Painting!