Warhammer 40K: Doing Primaris Techmarines Right

There’s an easy way to round out the Primaris line and clear out some outdated kits. And the Xenos thought of it first!
The Primaris line is in a really nice spot with the codex and impending new kits. But there are still a couple of blind spots.
In particular:
- Where are the Techmarines?
- Where are the heavy weapons? (real heavy weapons, not Hellblasters)
Technarines are an under-utilized, but critical part of every chapter. They make and maintain the chapter’s equipment. They perform battlefield repairs, and they operate many of the chapters exotic and heavy weapons. Think about these two kits:
Thunderfire Cannon
Now, hold that thought and think of these guys:
A Modest Proposal
I think GW has an opportunity here to round out the Primaris line AND give them cool Techmarines and Heavy weapons, AND replace multiple old kits. Here’s what I would do:
1) Release a new Primaris Techmarine and Servitor kit in plastic. Did you notice that GW has recently shown off BOTH a plastic Primaris tech dude and Servitor. Hmm…
2) Replace the Thunderfire Cannon. I don’t think anyone who has built a TF Cannon recently will weep at its retirement. It’s a fiddly resin kit. In its place is an idea borrowed from both the Orks and the Eldar. Make a multiple build kit that replaces the Thunderfire with 3-4 Primaris only heavy weapon options. Similar to the Ork Big Gunz or the Eldar Support Weapon kits. Make the weapon itself be atop a bulky grav platform that matches the Primaris vehicle aesthetic. Each weapon would come on a large base and is manned by either a pair of Tech marines, or a single one and servitors. In effect a counterpart to these:
With two kits, GW could get the Primaris army it’s missing Techmarines, new Servitors and true heavy weapons to support the Hellblasters, and replace the Techmarine, Thunderfire, and Devastator kits.
~What do you think of the idea?