Warhammer 40k: Lost and Found Units of Codex Space Marines

Today we answer the question – what units are missing from Codex Space Marines and where did they go?
We have known the numbers of units in the brand new codex would not match up with the prevoius one for several days now. There have been many theories about which units would be affected and where they would end up. With codexes in hand – now we know.
First up, let’s take a look at the 2017 Space Marine codex about to be replaced – as our baseline:
Codex Space Marines – 2017 Table of Contents
Now we can look at the brand new codex:
Codex Space Marines – 2019 Table of Contents
What’s Missing, What’s New?
Doing some quick comparisons gives us this:
Missing Units (19)
- Calgar
- Tigurius
- Cassius
- Sicarius
- Chronos
- Telion
- Lysander
- Pedro
- Helbrecht
- Grimaldus
- The Emperor’s Champion
- Cenobite Servitors
- Kor’sarro
- Vulkan
- Shrike
- Crusader Squad
- Chapter Champion
- Honor Guard
- Guilliman
New Units (10)
- Captain in Phobos
- LT in Phobos
- Librarian in Phobos
- Infiltrators
- Incursors
- Invictor Tactical Warsuit
- Eliminators
- Suppressors
- Repulsor Executioner
- Impulsor
Where Did They Go?
Now we take a look at the units in the two Supplemental Codexes to get an idea of what GW is putting in there:
Codex Ultramarines – Table of Contents
Look at all those units, making up almost half of the missing characters. Also note:
- No more “classic Marneus”
- Tyrannic War Veterans return (HOORAY!)
Codex White Scars – Table of Contents
- Kor’sarro Returns (only on foot)
- A generic Khan on a bike!
So it looks like we can assume we will see all the missing named characters and Black Templar units show up in their matching Supplemental codex. The more interesting thing to me is the inclusion of some fluffy generic characters that may crop up, as well as “lost” units from the past.
~ WAY, WAY more Marine coverage coming in the days ahead!