Warhammer 40K Mystery: What Exactly is an Ultramarines Hellfury?

Games Workshop loves to drop in easter eggs in the newly released codex. When we were poring over the Ultramarines Supplemental codex we found something…
We’ve been poring over the 3 new Space Marine books with a fine-toothed comb, attempting to find anything unusual. So far we’ve seen a reorganization of the old classic Tactical, Assault and Devastator companies into the now generic classic-primaris: Battleline, Close Support and Heavy Support companies. A bit of wordsmithing to allow GW to shoehorn in the new Primaris units into the now hazy squad contents of the various companies within a chapter.
Enter Codex Ultramarines
When we were looking through the Ultras book we knew what to expect more or less. The Heavy Support 9th Company is described here:
Fairly standard stuff, with the following squads mixed and matched into the heavy weapons toting company:
- Hellblasters
- Eliminators
- Aggressors
- Suppressors
- Devastators
- Centurion Devastators
Then we hit this other section describing the 9th company:
“…cycled through the varying squad roles that each company offers, be it from Eliminator to Hellblaster to Hellfury in the 9th Company…”
What the heck is a Hellfury?
Maybe it’s a typo, but it seems very specific and works with the rest of the sentence. There is also not another obvious squad name that Hellfury could be accidentally mixed up with, as Hellblaster is already in the sentence. There has been chatter on and off about future Primaris “heavy weapon walking infantry” unit – effectively a replacement for the classic Devastator. This might be it.
~We’ll see in time. Until then, what do you think this signifies?