Warhammer 40K: New Iron Hands Minis Hidden In Plain Sight

Sharp eyes readers have spotted some interesting looking Iron Hands in the new codex. Take a look.
Ok everybody, we already have rumors swirling of the Iron Hands getting a Supplemental codex soon. Along with those rumors is chatter about their new accessory sprue.
So everyone open your Space Marine codex and turn to p.103-104. Now look at the Iron hands spread on the bottom. Let’s zoom in on that and see what we can find:
Time to ENHANCE!!!
Here we see a bionic Iron Hand, and a bun of clearly raised chapter logo pauldrons. The guy in the back has a gear techno-do-dad hanging at his waist.
Here we see multiple bionic heads, another mysterious do-dad at a model’s waist, and a closer look at one of the Iron hands. Two models in this image also have circular “Grey Knight” like heraldric devices with the chapter logo on their left front pauldron. I’m uncertain if that is a new bit.
But all of these are shaping up to form an upcoming Iron Hands accessory sprue! Looking good!
~Fingers crossed for a Medusan September!