Warhammer 40K: The Best Classic Miniatures

Games Workshop has a deep range of miniatures – here are a few of the BEST classic miniatures from the range!
All of them well over a decade old, these classic miniatures have been with us for editions and editions. These are the models we keep in our collections just because we think they look great and still hold up. Classics Never Die!
Nurgle Daemon Prince
This Nurgle Daemon Prince came out around the same time as the previous version of the Chaos Daemon Prince. But the Nugle version was chunky and fat and gross and…well Nurgle! We love this miniature and it absolutely still holds up. We love seeing this guy on the tabletop!
Aeldar Falcon
The Falcon is the base chassis for most of the Aeldari vehicles and with good reason – it STILL looks great! It’s been a workhorse kit for GW and they have really managed to keep cranking out variants and upgrades for this particular kit that make it seem just as cool as the first day it flew off the assembly line.
The Carnifex was the first big, plastic kit that was modular and re-defined the LOOK of the modern day Tyranids. All the other plastic kits that have come after it has used the same design language. That’s why this kit STILL holds up and why all the other Tyranid big-bugs have taken their cue from this kit!
Emperor’s Champion
This is actually the second Emperor’s Champion model. This one was a re-issue after the limited edition verison of the Emperor’s Champ was released for the Black Templars. That said, we think this model still holds-up. There is something about this pose that says, “Yep, I’m a bad-ass Hero of the Emperor.” His sword is awesome and oversized and the stance is just right amount of confidence and combat-ready. If GW ever re-works the Emperor’s Champ as a Primaris, I really hope they keep this pose and the Sword – but just Primaris-size the marine!
Look, this guy is great. Plain and simple. The palaquin is a densely packed mass of nurglings holding up a rickety-wooden chain. Epidemius himself has a somewhat joval pose – it’s a fat daemon holding an hourglass and mockingly wielding a sword. “Get me closer to the battle so I can hit them with my sword…or whatever.” We love these type of characterful models really tell a story and Epidemius certainly has one to tell!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Let us know your favorite miniatures in the comments below!