Warhammer 40K: The Game Changing Invictor

The Invictor knows no fear and it’s about to attack the meta – Why is this thing so good? Check it out!
There is a buzz in the competitive air surrounding the new Invictor Tactical Warsuit. While folks are divided about the look of the model, the more competitive inclined players out there are drooling at the possibilities of this new option for the Space Marines. So let’s talk shop about why this new “not-a-dreadnought” is just so darn spicy! Here is the Datasheet:
Statwise, it’s very similar to the Redemptor Dreadnought – although it has one less toughness at 6. The trade off is that it’s starting move is now 10″ and that’s going to be important for later. Plus it still has 13 wounds which means it’s going to take some dedicated fire to actually remove off the table. Moving on down the line 4 attacks with that Invictor Fist also means it’s got 4 attacks at Strength 14 that each are AP -3 and do 3 damage. Again, not too shabby. And we haven’t even mentioned Shock Assault or other Combat Doctrines – more on that later.
The Incendium Cannon is really where things start to get even more interesting. This thing is Heavy 2D6 and has a 12″ range. Who cares about the -1 to hit for heavy weapons when you’re auto hitting. Also, who cares if moving and shooting the other guns when you’re an Ultramarine. They have ways around that. And really quickly, for a single model this thing is spitting out D6+2D6+3+6 shots a turn thanks to it’s basic load-out. Sure the strength and AP profiles are all over the place, but still – that’s some respectable shooting that can help plink away at vehicles or soften up mobs of infantry.
Now we get to the section that really sets this thing off: Abilities. First off, it’s got Angels of Death – which means it has access to Shock Assault and also the Combat Doctrines (as mentioned). That means, the first round of a melee combat it’s got an extra attack. That’s a potential 15 damage from one of these in close combat right off the bat. Furthermore, those combat doctrines are going to be surprisingly helpful. All those heavy shots on the first turn (thanks Devastator Doctrine) from the Incendium Cannon are now AP -2, and so is the Heavy Bolter. If you’re keeping track at home, that’s 3+2D6 str 5 AP -2 shots, which again, the 2D6 portion of that is auto-hitting. If you’re a 10 man bubble-wrap unit, you should be very afraid.
Concealed Position is the final ability that takes the cake, then infiltrates it within 9″ and eats it. Seriously, this ability is great if you’ve got the first turn. If you don’t, then you don’t have to use it. This allows you to DEPLOY 9″ away from an enemy unit. On the first turn you then get to move 10″ – Just doing some quick “back-of-the-napkin” math, I believe you’re now -1″ inside the enemy unit! Now, you can’t actually move into the enemy unit like that until the assault phase, but you get the point. There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from this the Invictor. You can also opt to NOT move and just fire all your guns, including your 12″ Incendium Cannon. Because, why not?!
Here’s the thing – you get all that from JUST 1 Invictor. Dropping a T6 13 Wound model with 9″ at the start of the game is bad enough for some armies – but when you add in all the firepower suddenly you’ve got a real problem unit on your hands. It’s not that the Invictor is particularly hard to kill, it just that you have to actually pay attention to it or it’s going to (quite literally) burn you. It’s a problem that can’t be ignored. Now take that thought and multiply it by 3 – because if 1 is a problem 3 becomes a REAL issue. That’s a whole lot of autohitting shots on a bubble wrap unit. And that’s a potential 45 damage swinging on a Knight in a combat. Now, if that Knight lives, it’s probably going to be able to pop one of them right back…but still.
Lightly armored Infantry are going to have nightmares about these guys and a lone Knight isn’t safe from a wolf pack of these things either. Even other Marines aren’t going to like seeing 3 of these 9″ away from their lines at the start of the game. They have a pretty good shot at getting to your smash captain if you positioned it incorrectly. And they can probably eat one on the charge.
I’m not even going to get into the other option which is basically a tough fire-support counter-brawler type unit. And we haven’t even cracked a look at the Synergies it has with Chapter Tactics or Stratagems – that’s a very deep well. The point is that the Invictor is a wonderfully weird mix of new rules and wargear options that make it a great harass/bully-type unit. You can’t ignore 1 of them and 3 is real threat. And you’re only paying 120-130 points depending on the options anyhow. That’s plenty of points leftover to kit out the rest of your army.
Do you want to drop 3 in your opponent’s face turn one and just let them run around unsupported? That’s viable. Did you want to toss in a few other infiltrator squads or maybe a Drop Pod unit or two as well? That’s suddenly a hyper-aggressive “in-your-face” Space Marine strike that can do some serious damage! The options are there and the charge is being led by the Invictor. Will this shake-up the meta? Time will tell.
What do you think of the new Invictor Assault Warsuit? How are you planning on using one in your list?