Age of Sigmar: Are Fortress Kits Coming To The Mortal Realms

Games Workshop is teasing the possibility of another new Fortress kit – are we about to have a Siege Expansion for Age of Sigmar?
The update from yesterday about the Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans that are coming to Pre-Order is already a great reason to get excited for AoS. But did you look closely at the picture of the miniatures? No idea what I’m talking about? Take a look:
Notice anything…massive in the background? There is a HUGE gate and wall section in the background – take a look at this with it outlined:
What the heck is that KIT?! Is that even a stand alone kit? It looks VERY similar to the plastic Dominion of Sigmar set that came out with Stormvault. So it could be a kit bash…
Maybe the took some of these kits and just used them as the base for this awesome display picture. That’s one option. Another option is that if you remember a couple weeks back, we also saw the Ossiarch Bonereapers appear to ALSO be on the way to getting some type of bone-fortress, too.
And while these kits could certainly be a very creative kit-bash or custom set from GW’s team just for pictures, it’s not like fortresses are unheard of in the lore or from GW either. Again, they did create the massive Khorne Fortress kit as well:
While I’d love to see these kits come out at the same time as their books there is the possibility that GW would hold these back. Why? So they could release a new Siege Expansion for AoS of course! This is all pure speculation at this point, but the way things are progressing in the story, there very well could be another big plot arc coming that involves sieges on a grand scale. I really do hope that these kits are “real” and are coming to stores though – just for the terrain options!
If the Cities of Sigmar and the Ossiarch Bonereapers are getting Fortress kits, that really just leaves Destruction without a fort. Could they have a kit on the way themselves? It’s very possible – but it might not be a fort…
We’ve seen this picture before and those effigies in the background might be custom foam or they could be new terrain kits for the Orruk Warbands. If they are kits, my guess is they would be similar to the Herdstones from Beast of Chaos. There is also the possibility that they could get a fort kit base on that humongous rock carving in the background of this pic. Now, I’m pretty sure that is cut from custom foam. However, what if it’s NOT?
What do you think? Are we about to see some crazy new fortress kits or are these just very impressive kit-bashes from GW?