Age of Sigmar: Beastgrave Warbands Get AoS Rules

The two new warbands coming in Beastgrave are getting brand new rules for use in your games of Age of Sigmar – check out what these crews can do!
If you were waiting to find out the rules for the new Beastgrave warbands for AoS, your wait is almost over! Games Workshop has teased the new rules and now we have a much better idea of what kind of roles these two warbands will fill on the BIG tabletop.
Skaeth’s Wild Hunt
Might of Kurnoth
This is a new spell that will boost 1 friendly Sylvaneth unit within 12″ of the caster. You’ll be adding 1 to wound rolls for melee attacks for that unit. Now, in general an extra +1 to wound is good! And while the range might considered “short” remember that the Sylvaneth are pretty tricksy when it comes to moving around the board. Also, their other ability might help – Fleet of Foot.
Being able to shoot and/or charge after a run is pretty big. On top of that, I’d be willing to be that their going to have a pretty fast movement stat in AoS based on their speed in Warhammer Underworlds. We also know that this unit will clock in at 120 points! Not a bad deal for access to that spell and a unit that can move around that quickly. They are certainly a solid skirmisher option in your Sylvaneth armies.
Grashrak’s Despoilers
For starters, this warband is only going to cost you 140 points to include in your lists. That’s 40 points more than a typical Great Bray-Shaman. What does that extra 40 points get you? Well for one thing, you get a nice generic Brayherd buff with Infuse With Bestial Vigour:
An extra 3″ move can catapult your units into better charge ranges which is perfect for the Beastmen. But that’s not all – Grashrak also has a pretty nifty spell on his own that will allow you to dish mortal wounds and also mark a target for their demise.
Savage Bolt is worth it for the mortal wounds already – the +1 to hit rolls for attacks that target the enemy unit hit by this spell is just icing on the cake! Everyone loves a +1 to hit, right?
And finally, for that extra 40 points, you also get a “bodyguard” type ability for Grashrak. I’m sure he will appreciate it, but his followers might not. ON a 4+, on of his cronies takes a wound or mortal wound that would have been assigned to Grashrak. Ouch.
Beastgrave is due out for pre-order this weekend! Are you ready for the hunt to begin?