Age of Sigmar: Gotrek Gurnisson Unboxed

The Ultimate Slayer is back and we’ve got a look inside the box! Plus a basing question.
Gotrek Gurnisson is back from the dead and on the tabletop! He’s got a fancy new model and some pretty scary rules to match. Checkout the new kit:
Ultimate Slayer
Gotrek model is really cool. While it might not be the most Warhammer Model Ever (there is a lack of skulls and he’s got an Axe, not a Warhammer), he’s got a very cool pose and is suitably epic for the tabletop.
The kit is a single sprue but it comes with two bases and this is where you have to make a choice: 32mm or 40mm base. The 40mm base is the big scenic base:
While the 32mm base is a smaller version of that:
Games Workshop does have this to say about the base from their product description:
“Gotrek Gurnisson is a plastic kit supplied in 15 components. He comes with two options for bases – a 32mm round base for using him in your games, and a 40mm round base with scenic detailing depicting dead Skaven, scattered weapons, discarded shields, and splintered wood – perfect for a display model worthy of Golden Demon!”
So it’s implied that the 32mm is for games and 40mm is for a display model…but, I don’t know about you, if I’m going to buy and paint this model, I’m going to want to use it on the tabletop regardless of the base size. While the big base is very scenic – and there is no information/rules saying you can’t use that larger base – I think I’d rather play with the smaller 32mm base. There are lots of game-mechanic reason you’d want the smaller base as well, so if I’m going to use it, I might as well get the most out of the model on the tabletop, right?
Or I guess you buy two, do a test-paint job on the tabletop version with a 32mm base and then do “a real paint job” on the 40mm base version so you can win all the painting competitions…is that the plan?
Meh. Build and paint the version you want to use and enjoy the hobby/game how you want to do it! That’s my vote. Happy Hobbying, y’all!
Gotrek Gurnisson $35
n the long-lost world-that-was, Gotrek Gurnisson was a monster slayer without peer. Seeking a valiant death to atone for a mysterious sin, he travelled the world, his poet companion Felix by his side, seeking the mightiest doom he could find. When the End Times came, Gotrek finally met his fate – guarding the gates of the Realm of Chaos against all the Daemonic servants of the Dark Gods. Now, spat into the Mortal Realms, he seeks new purpose, the last dwarf in a world of duardin and other strange creatures. Armed with the legendary Fyreslayer axe Zangrom-Thaz and bearing the Master Rune of Krag Blackhammer, he has become a veritable demigod of battle.
Gotrek makes a fearsome addition to Order armies. His skill with the mighty axe Zangrom-Thaz makes him (as you would expect) a superlative monster hunter, and a threat to any Hero – even the largest beasts of the Mortal Realms should beware the Slayer’s wrath. If, by some chance, anyone survives to hit him back, the Shoulder Plate of Edassa will guard against their blows. Basically, if you want a Hero who will kill everything in his path, you want Gotrek.
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Gotrek will still Wreck You. But he’s not invincible.