AoS: Cities of Sigmar Overview

The Cities of Sigmar are rising up and oh man are they looking good! Come take a quick tour of the new Empire.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar is getting a pair of Battletomes and Warscroll Cards. Today, we’re diving into the Cities of Sigmar!
By Sigmar’s Hammer
If the Stormcast Eternals are the Hammer of Sigmar, then these Cities are the anvil. Where the Stormcast has taken ground back from Chaos, these folks have moved in and basically settled the lands which is no easy feat. This book presents some really cool opportunities for armies and garrisons based on the different cities presented inside.
For starters, this book has a boatload of battleline options. If you played any of the armies from the Grand Alliance Order book and didn’t get a battletome, well, this one is for you! When you start combining all these options you end up with a massive set of units you can take in your lists – plus you can also include some Stormcast options, too.
Each of the 6 cities in the book has their own set of options and rules. It’s a pretty wide array of things you can use to customize your army. Seriously, the Cities of Sigmar are going to be the Swiss Army Knife of armies out there.
Honoring the old Alliances of Men, Dwarves, and Elves…wait a minute. I mean Humans, Duradin, and Aelves!
So What’s Missing?
There are two things this book is really missing that a lot of folks were expecting: Endless Spells and a Terrain Piece. Sorry folks, those are not included. That said, the Wizards of the Cities of Sigmar are pretty adept at casting spells from all over the realms. As far as the terrain thing…yeah, that does sting a little. But hey – you can always just take more Steamtanks!
Cities of Sigmar is a solid addition to the Order Alliance – it’s not really an addition so much as an update for all those units missing a home. Now they have one – and it’s not just a home, it’s a CITY!
The enemies of Sigmar beware – the Cities are on the Warpath!