Arkham Horror: TCG – Two New Investigators From The Dream-Eaters

Fantasy Flight Games has revealed two more Investigators coming in The Dream-Eaters Expansion. See who’s joining the fray!
The Dream-Eaters is the next expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game and I’m pretty pumped about it. We’ve already gotten a look at a few of the other investigators in the mix and now we’re rounding out the group with the Guardian and the Survivor in the expansion. Here are the investigators so far:
Now, say hello to the next two investigators: Patrice Hathaway and Tommy Muldoon!
Patrice Hathaway – The Violinist
Patrice isn’t your typical Investigator. She’s a professional Violinist and not exactly a professional paranormal investigator or monster hunter. That said, she is a survivor and she’s got some improvisational skills to help her survive.
At first glance the her stats aren’t out of the ordinary – in fact, they are a little low. Her Will of 4 is going to be helpful, but with the rest of her stats as 2s, she could find herself in trouble. On top of that, her max handsize is reduced by 3 permanently. That means she probably going to only have 5 cards in hand, max, for the majority of the time. But there is some upsides for Patrice. For starters, during the Upkeep Phase, you basically discard your hand (all non-weakness cards) and draw back up to your max hand size of 5. That means she is going to cycle through her deck pretty fast! And Survivors have more than a few ways to get cards out of their discard pile. She’s going to be able to find answers in her hand quickly!
Patrice also has her unique card: Patrice’s Violin. This inspirational tool helps her stay on top of her game with it’s quick action. It’s a great tool to help others get resources or draw cards. However, her unique weakness card is the dreaded Watcher from Another Dimension:
This card is kind of weird. It will stay in your hand until one of two conditions are met – you either fight or evade it and fail, in which case it spawns at your location OR you run out of cards in your deck, which also causes it to spawn and attack.
The good news is Patrice and doesn’t have to play this card and can delay…for a while at least. But her deck is a ticking timebomb and cycling through it quickly guarantees you’re going to have to face this Weakness.
Tommy Muldoon – The Rookie Cop
Tommy comes from a long line of police officers – mostly out of Boston. A fresh recruit, Tommy gets sent on loan to the “quiet town” of Arkham to aid the Sheriff’s Department. But anyone who’s heard of Arkham know it’s not so quiet. Besides, why would the Sheriff need an extra cop on loan from Boston if the town is so peaceful. If your not buying the cover story, don’t worry – neither is Tommy Muldoon!
In game terms, Tommy is a pretty straightforward Guardian with some decent stats across the board. His 2 agility isn’t great, but he’s not much of a runner when it comes to fighting time anyhow. His fight of 4 will come in handy – if you catch my drift. Furthermore, his ability is pretty solid for resource generation. Whenever you lose an asset, you gain that many resources based on how much damage/horror was on that card. I can already think of a few cards that will leave you on the plus side of that exchange. Tommy also has his trusty rifle with him. Meet his sidekick: Becky.
A two cost weapon with only 2 shots isn’t that impressive – at first glance. +2 fight and +1 damage is kind of standard for a firearm, too. But what makes Becky so nice to have is that when you would gain resources from Tommy’s ability, you can instead place those resources on Becky as ammo. And as anyone who’s played a Guardian before will tell you, having a gun with plenty of Ammo sure makes things a whole lot easier.
On the flip side of the coin is Tommy’s unique weakness Rookie Mistake. This one can cost you dearly. You have to discard each asset you control with Damage or Horror on it. And if you dodge the bullet once, this card get shuffled back into your deck. It can be risky to have friends, but they are necessary to complete the job at hand…
The Dream-Eaters $29.95
There is a hidden realm outside the world of the waking: a realm of wonder, imagination, and nightmares. After occult author Virgil Gray writes about his adventures in these “Dreamlands,” you decide to set forth and learn the truth for yourself. What is real, and what is fiction? And what secrets await in the dark, forbidden places beyond the gates of sleep?
The Dream-Eaters is the fifth deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. In this expansion, 1–4 players take on the roles of either a group of investigators venturing into the Dreamlands or their companions who have been left in the waking world. This expansion contains the first two scenarios of The Dream-Eaters cycle; one scenario for each of these two groups. This expansion also contains new investigator and player cards that increase the customization options for the game.
The Dream-Eaters Expansion is coming soon – Pre-order now and look out for a Q3 2019 release date.