Board Games: Every Doggo Is At Least 10/10 When Playing in ‘We Rate Dogs’

They’re good dogs, Brent.
Twitter is a powerful force. It’s one of the few places on Earth with both genuine political discussion (as much as you can muster on the Internet) and some very stupid but lovable memes. It’s common for some memes to rise above the rest and gain a new level of popularity. Like the hit CBS sitcom $#*! My Dad Says, based on the Twitter account of the same name.
Sitting pretty at a 28/100 on MetaCritic
And with such astounding successes like this, it’s a wonder more Twitter accounts aren’t transformed into other formed of media. Maybe they should have gone with someone more lovable than a grumpy old man, like some of the goodest doggos ever.
The Twitter account WeRateDogs (@dog_rates), gained some meme popularity a few years back when Brant wasn’t quite understanding that these are all good dogs.
Well, they made a game.
We Rate Dogs is a competitive party card game with drafting and hand management mechanics. The goal of each player is to have the goodest doggo in the show. During the first few rounds, players will draft dogs from a pool in the middle, choosing their best bois based on 7 dog-agories: Floof, Sass, Boopability, Zoom, Ears, Wag and Goodness.
As expected, each rating is out of 10.
After each player has a selections of dogs, the show begins! The die is rolled to determine the category for judgement this round. Goodness is not used for this and comes into play later.
During the judging, players can play event cards which can be used in one of two ways: Played under the dog to affect their stats, or reverse to play the effect listed.
After 3 rounds of playing cards, the winners are selected and move to the Winner’s Circle, keeping their Player token to make sure they don’t loose track of their hooman.
Once the Winner’s Circle is full of the goodest, there is one final round of judgement, based on Goodness. Players can play cards as before but whichever doggo wins this round wins the game! But every dog also wins too because they are also the best winners.
Unless, of course, you’re Hudson, my goodest boi then you are more of the best boi than everyone else.
There’s never been a better dog, except for every other dog who are all also the best dogs.
We Rate Dogs – $24.95 – Available Now
They’re good dogs, Brent!
In this fast-paced card game for 3–6 players based on the massively successful Twitter account WeRateDogs (more than 7 million followers), good dogs compete to be the very best!
Choose your favorite pups to enter a competitive dog show and use cards to improve their rating, bring down the competition, or cause chaos for a puptastic good time! Only one dog can be named Best in Show, but not to worry: no dog will ever be less than a 10/10!
- 3-6 Players
- 30-60 Minutes
- Ages 8+
Comment with picture of your goodest doggo!