Cities Of Sigmar Sieged By Orruks – Two New AoS Battletomes Inbound!

The Cities of Sigmar are the site of a new battle brewing as two new battletomes prep for launch.
The Cities of Sigmar are home to the mortals of the mortal realms. No god reforged undead monsters, no regular undead monsters, or murderous scions of a slain god here. Only stalwart people in fancy hats, reminiscent of a long ago Empire that once was and never shall be again.
Now they’re getting a battletome, which will likely be the last bit of world-that-was units before Warhammer Legends comes along like continuity’s scythe–the selfsame blade that once excised Jacen Solo and we are arguably better for it–reaping a harvest of updated models and unified rules. The result is a unique way of putting an army together. Let’s take a look.
via Warhammer Community
Battletome: Cities of Sigmar is your guide to the seven greatest metropolises in the Mortal Realms, forging several previously disparate factions into one cohesive whole that still manages to capture each city’s distinct thematic flavour.
A Living City army, for instance, could consist of battalions of hardy Dispossessed Ironbreakers ambushing from the flanks while a column of Shadowblades Dark Riders surge across the centre field, while a Hammerhal force could include bold, charging Demigryph Knights backed up by batteries of Ironweld Arsenal artillery. This book offers almost unparalleled choice to army builders, with loads of warscrolls, allegiance abilities, warscroll battalions and more!
What does all this mean? Well, for starters there’s two new Start Collecting Sets which shall bring the disparate forces of the cities together. With Anvilguard and Greyfast you’ll get two thematic forces, Duardin and Dark Elf–er Scourge Pirates to start putting together your Cities of Sigmar armies. This sort of mix and match force list might make for some interesting lists… but we’ll have to see how well they hold up against the other more unified armies. Still it’s an Order Party this week.
Though Destruction will also see some much needed love in the form of the new Orruk Warclan battletome, which is as Orky as you’d hope.
Battletome: Orruk Warclans takes the Bonesplitterz and Ironjawz and SMASHES them together into one awesome army – or, if you like, three awesome armies. Inside, you’ll find rules for your Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz, including powerful updated allegiance abilities for both AND a third set of allegiance abilities for the Big Waaagh! These truly terrifying hordes are formed when orruks stop fightin’ over whether armour or warpaint is better and start breaking everything else.
Both of these battletomes are due out next week, alongside two compilations of “just the rules, ma’am” books for both the Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40K that gather the various matched play and core rules into smaller, easy to reference volumes.
Both of these are due next week as well. So get ready!
What do you think of these releases? Let us know in the comments!