D&D: Continue The Adventure In The Essentials Kit With These D&D Beyond Exclusives

Go (D&D) Beyond the adventure in the D&D: Essentials Kit with three new adventures included free on D&D beyond when you pick up the new starter kit.
The D&D Essentials Kit is now out for wide release–previously it had only been available through Target–which means that you have more ways than ever before to pick up what is perhaps the best D&D Starter Kit. Featuring a brand new adventure, The Dragon of Icespire Peak, as well as new streamlined rules meant to get new players creating characters and jumping right into the game with their own creations, the D&D Essentials Kit is pretty stellar.
Add to that new rules for running one-on-one D&D and a sidekick NPC system that helps make sure your party is never overwhelmed, even with just one person, and you’ve got a recipe for successipe in a single box. We’ve reviewed the Essentials Kit before, but in case you missed it, here are a few highlights:
- Creating characters.
- Encounters that are specifically roleplay encounters.
- Goofy sidequests.
- Serious threats.
- A wonderfully sandbox-y region, open to exploration:
This map invites exploration. As players learn about locations (and believe me, the adventure peppers you with plenty of opportunities to learn about it) you can point to them on the map and just go. You’ll find a bevvy of badguys to fight. But you’ll also find some complicated decisions to make. Do you try and help the dwarves out or just convince them to return to Phandalin? When you encounter the pair of married gnomish kings (the adventure features plenty more representation of underrepresented minorities), how will you help convince one that his partner is safe from a shapeshifting menace? The choices feel much more open.
So that’s the D&D Essentials kit–and if you have already picked it up, then you probably noticed the redeemable codes included in the box. Players who pick up the Essentials Kit unlock the module for free on D&D Beyond, as well as gaining access to three new adventures that expand the region and take players beyond level 6. These are also unlocked along with the Essentials Kit, or available for individual purchase from D&D Beyond. Here’s a look at what you can snag–and stay tuned for a review of these early next week.
Storm Lord’s Wrath – $4.99
Adventure for 7th-level characters
After your group completes the challenges in Dragon of Icespire Peak (or another starter adventure), continue with Storm Lord’s Wrath!
Abandoned for many years, Leilon was once a fortified settlement midway along the High Road from Waterdeep to Neverwinter. Under the paid service of the Lord Protector Dagult Neverember, citizens of Neverwinter have returned, intent on reestablishing Leilon as a safe waypoint once more. Unfortunately, followers of Talos have also arrived, and they’ve brought the weather with them.
This purchase unlocks the entire contents of this source for use with D&D Beyond on Sep 3rd, 2019, including access to all the adventure’s options in the D&D Beyond digital toolset.
Sleeping Dragon’s Wake – $4.99
Adventure for 9th-level characters
After your group completes the challenges in Storm Lord’s Wrath (or another adventure), continue with Sleeping Dragon’s Wake!
Despite the depredations of those in the service of the Stormlord Talos, citizens of Neverwinter continue their work to rebuild the town of Leilon and reestablish it as a fortified waypoint on the High Road betwixt Neverwinter and Waterdeep. However, to make matters worse, a cadre of villains devoted to both Myrkul, god of death and the Cult of the Dragon, have risen from the Mere of Dead Men to strike out as well.
This purchase unlocks the entire contents of this source for use with D&D Beyond on Sep 3rd, 2019, including access to all the adventure’s options in the D&D Beyond digital toolset.
Divine Contention – $4.99
Adventure for 11th-level characters
After your group completes the challenges in Sleeping Dragon’s Wake (or another adventure), continue with Divine Contention!
The ghosts of the Swords of Leilon have returned to bring warning so you might protect their beloved town and prevent two great evils, both competing for the same prize, from wiping it from the Sword Coast once more. You must enter the Ethereal Plane, prevent the followers of Talos and Myrkul from gaining possession of an artifact of great evil, and put down the forces of not one, but two vile deities.
This purchase unlocks the entire contents of this source for use with D&D Beyond on Sep 3rd, 2019, including access to all the adventure’s options in the D&D Beyond digital toolset.
Happy Adventuring!