D&D: Get Ready For Mayhem – Go For The Eyes

There’s a battle happening for Baldur’s Gate, and it’s going to be full of Dungeon Mayhem. Er. It’s going to be a new expansion for Dungeon Mayhem.
Dungeon Mayhem is a Dungeon Crawl card game that pits a party of four players against a perilous threat that surpasses even a dungeon full of traps and treasures. If these heroes want to claim the rewards, they’ll have to face the deadliest threat–the other members of the party. In the base game, you’ll play as one of four brave, quirky characters—Barbarian, Paladin, Rogue, or Wizard—battling it out in a dungeon full of treasure! With magic missiles flinging, dual daggers slinging, and spiked shields dinging, it’s up to you to prove your adventurer has the guts to bring home the glory.
Now there’s an expansion coming that adds a bunch of Baldur’s Gate related content to the game–specifically you’ll find Minsc & Boo aka the unofficial stars of the Baldur’s Gate video games, and you’ll also find Jaheira, the druid who everyone ought to have romanced, but probably didn’t because a wingless winged elf made doe eyes at you. Whatever your options in BG 1 & 2, these two heroes are back, ready to battle for the fate of Baldur’s Gate. You can pick them up in this fast-paced, fun/quirky game which feels very much like the artwork on display here.
via Wizards of the Coast
Dungeon Mayhem: Battle for Baldur’s Gate – $9.99
In this expansion for the action-packed Dungeons & Dragons card game, you win by being the last adventurer standing.
Battle for Baldur’s Gate is the first expansion for the wildly popular easy-to-learn, family-friendly card game Dungeon Mayhem. With new art by Jake Parker (founder of popular art challenge, Inktober) this expansion unleashes two brand new characters from Baldur’s Gate—beloved ranger Minsc with his miniature, giant space hamster, Boo, and the shapeshifting druid Jaheira.
Complete game rules not included.
Happy Adventuring!