D&D: Rising From The Last War Previews Reveal Big Things For Eberron

Cap your week off with a couple of Eberron: Rising from the Last War previews. Take a look inside the book and at what changes await the Artificer.
Eberron: Rising from the Last War is the long awaited campaign setting book that brings the industrial-fantasy world of Eberron into 5th Edition with a bang. New player options including Warforged and Shifters, as well as a brand new class await within. But there’s more than just an update to the player sides of things. You’ll find a guide to Sharn, the City of Towers, and to the wider world of Eberron and from the look of it, there’s a lot to dive into.
Virtual Tabletop service Fantasy Grounds has released a preview of Eberron: Rising from the Last War as it will appear in their databanks. And that means we’ve got a bunch of cool things to dig through. Scroll on–but be warned, spoilers are ahead.
Alright let’s start things off with a look at what awaits you in the player section.
Here’ a preview of the Artificer, the big new class, as well as some of the Dragon Mark mechanics. As we know, the Artificer will be appearing with three different subclasses, the Alchemist, Artillerist, and Battle Smith. And while this screenshot doesn’t have much in the way of details–over on D&D Beyond, you can see some changes already implemented for the Artificer subclass that show a few changes to their bonus spell lists:
- purify food and drink -> healing word
- web -> flaming sphere
- create food and water and stinking cloud -> mass healing word and gaseous form
Battle Smith
- searing smite -> shield
- blinding smite -> conjure barrage
- staggering smite -> fire shield
Meanwhile, here’s a look at some of the species you can play.
As well as some of the new feats and backgrounds you can take–including the fabled Group Patron.
These are particularly interesting–Revenant Blade and Aberrant Dragonmark are some classic Eberron feats that can tie you in to the fiction of Eberron. And as you can see, there’s plenty of support for working for one of the twelve Dragonmarked Houses. It reminds me a lot of the systems they use for working for the Guilds in Ravnica. You get missions, some different contacts, and new background effects that add to your character.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a renown/rank system included with this as well.
This isn’t technically in the player section, but these are the various magic items and special equipment available to players in Eberron. Docents, in particular, are exciting to see in a final form. These are warforged only items that are like onboard magical AIs that can preserve you and give you access to special things.
That Beholder Crown looks radical too. Hit of the day. The other big part of the book is a guide to the world of Eberron, specifically the continent of Khorvaire, but that isn’t the only thing you’ll find here. Check it out.
These are just some of the splash pages, and I’m already feeling excited to go exploring–especially with the ships and exploration rules out of Ghosts of Saltmarsh which seem like they’d pair perfectly with the pulp adventure/exploration vibe of Eberron’s outer fringes.
Or if you prefer more urban adbentures, here’s a look at the Sharn section, which has detailed info on each of the Wards as well as a pretty in-depth guide to shopping centers, holidays, and more. And as you can see up in the corner, some criminal activities, so you can always be sure that trouble is just around the corner.
Here’s some sample trouble that might happen. You’ll never be short of inspiration when you’re flipping through the book. You can get a feel for each of the districts, as well as what to do and how to run adventures/campaigns in Eberron. It’s a very active world guide, and that’s a format that I feel is especially successful for something like Eberron which runs best when you’ve got your foot on the gas. Speaking of adventure…
Here’s a look at the Adventure that’s included in the book, which is every bit as action-and-intrigue packed as you might expect. And it wouldn’t be a D&D world if it didn’t come with its own monsters. Here’s a look at the critters awaiting you in Khorvaire and beyond.
Seeing the Dolgrims and Dolgaunts brings back memories of fighting against Dal Quori against and coming into contact with nightmarish horrors on the back of a moving lightning train.
This book is going to be a lot of fun.
Happy Adventuring!