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Winter is Coming with These ‘Game of Thrones’ DragonCon Cosplays

3 Minute Read
Sep 23 2022

The best of the best and most creative have gathered together once more in one of the most elaborate showings of the Cosplay yearly Calendar- DragonCon.

209’s DragonCon was full of the craziest cosplays, the deepest cuts, and the most hilarious combinations. My good friend Tom Hooper (internet famous for his adventures as “Tom Snow” in the Cosplay and Renaissance Festival scenes, and member of the local Austin, Texas-based Game of Thrones Cosplayers Crew!) drove up to experience the Con firsthand and has shared a plethora of pics and videos with me. I hope you enjoy this set of the most ridiculous fan projects I have ever seen.

Tom “Snow” Hooper and wife Jamie, as John Snow and Sansa Stark. Image Credit Jeff Cohen

Game of Thrones

Ygritte and John Snow. Cosplayers Kim Bradley and Tom Hooper.

Brienne & Tormunds: Kat Tierney-Smith and Kevin Von Close. Image Credit Britt Brown


Arya Stark, The Hound, and Brienne of Tarth. Image by Tom Hooper

GoT Cosplayers. Image by Raphael Lotich

Greyworm using his shield as a lovely hat. Image Credit Tom Hooper

 AB Cassidy and Tom Hooper. Image Credit Brandon Wessels

Disney Princess/GoT Crossover featuring Khal Jasmine by Cutiepie Sensei, with Kira Kelly Hendo Art and Stephanie Mack



John Snow, Sansa and Arya Stark. Cosplayers Tom Hooper, Britt Brown, and Tate Fowler Image Credit Bryan Humphreys of Mad Scientist Photography

John Snow, Sansa and Arya Stark. Cosplayers Tom Hooper, Britt Brown, and Tate Fowler Image Credit Bryan Humphreys of Mad Scientist Photography

John Snow Cosplayer Tom Hooper, Britt Brown, and Tate Fowler Image Credit Bryan Humphreys of Mad Scientist Photography

John Snow Cosplayer Tom Hooper, Britt Brown, and Tate Fowler Image Credit Bryan Humphreys of Mad Scientist Photography


~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~


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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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