Geekery: House of Targaryen Prequel Series in the Works at HBO

In May the creator of Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin, mentioned that five possible scripts were being shopped to HBO – it looks like they’ve chosen the first.
Deadline is reporting that HBO is a few steps away from ordering a pilot for a new series that goes back on the time line about 300 years. It would cover the Valyrians and the Dance of the Dragons, plus the rest of the House Targaryen story that’s filled with intrigue, incest, and insanity.
Catch the rest of Rawist’s Targaryen history series here.
The report mentions that HBO is close to green lighting the porject, and that it will be written and co-executive produced by George R.R. Martin with help from Ryan Condal, who is a co-creator/exec producer of Colony. The main story arc will be based on Fire & Blood, and has supposedly been in the works since last fall – there has been talk of several different series being worked on since late spring.
Hints have been dropped by several HBO execs and George R.R. Martin. The author left this tidbit on his personal blog in May:
“We have had five different Game of Thrones successor shows in development at HBO, and three of them are still moving forward nicely… Two other shows remain in the script stage, but are edging closer. What are they about? I cannot say. But maybe some of you should pick up a copy of Fire & Blood and come up with your own theories.”
The end of Game of Thrones is still be argued among fans – some love it, some hate it. The question for this project: can they recapture the fan base for a new story set in Westeros?