Goatboy’s 40K: Shrike’s Hero Hammer Emo Style!

Goatboy here again with that promised army list from last time. It’s all sneaky all the time, and oh so dark… Dark like a raven.
Thankfully I can build most of the army in my army builder (Give me one GW!) with just the leader of the band – Shrike. This is one of those goofy lists that should do ok if you play smart, plus it will look good when displayed on your army tray. It isn’t too big so you can really concentrate on making a cool looking set of models that are ready to smash stuff as needed.
I am going with as much Phobos armor as I can as I feel it is something that can be unique for this type of army. I also do love those Jams wearing models because they look unique when compared to the normal Primaris options. I am going to try and fit in two Battalions and then use the leftover bits to shove some characters into the spaces.
Goatboy’s Raven Guard Avengers Team! V.1
Space Marines Battalion – +5CP
Chapter: Raven Guard
Kayvaan Shrike – Warlord – 130pts
Chaplain – Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol – 90pts
Captain – Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer/Chainsword -133pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Invictor Tactical Warsuit – Incendium Cannon – 131pts
Invictor Tactical Warsuit – Incendium Cannon – 131pts
Invictor Tactical Warsuit – Incendium Cannon – 131pts
Space Marines Battalion – +5CP
Chapter: Raven Guard
Librarian – Jump Pack – 116pts
Chaplain – Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol – 90pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 110pts
Space Marine Supreme Command Detachment – +1CP
Chapter: Raven Guard
Captain – Jump Pack, Lightning Claws X 2 – 103pts (most likely relic claws)
Librarian in Phobos Armor – 101pts
Lieutenants in Phobos Armor X 2 – 162pts
PTS: 1978 (we got room to do some extra stuff if we wanted too) CP: +14
This army deploys all over the place, causes problems for other armies deploying, and has some powerful smash options. Deploy in ruins, cause issues, and respond in a way to be brutally efficient. I don’t know how much you are going to spend hiding some of the non Phobos guys as you can throw them out with Shadow Step as needed. I also just really like that Warsuit so much that I had to throw them into the army.
~We’ll look at Iron Hands next time. What do you think of the list? Can it pull out wins?