Greenskins Are Getting An Update For Total War: Warhammer 2

Total War: Warhammer 2 keeps the train rolling right on out of the station with its latest dev update, announcing many big changes in the coming year!
As if getting a big new overhaul for the Empire, new Legendary Lords, and Gotrek & Felix wasn’t enough of a big update for Total War: Warhammer 2 (the second in a planned Warhammer Fantasy trilogy), the latest developer blog has outlined their plans for the venerable fantasy franchise–indicating that things are only beginning to heat up for Warhammer’s world. There’s a Greenskin update planned, and more. Let’s take a look!
via Total War
We’re aiming for our next WH2 DLC and FLC to be out for Festag, and as mentioned in the recent patch notes, we’re planning a number of fixes and improvements rather than revisiting an Old World Race in conjunction with this one. We hope you’ll like what we have planned and not to worry, because yes, Greenskins will be getting updated next year.
That’s exciting news for you Greenskin players. As far as the mention of “fixes and improvements” we can look at the recent changes in the Empire Undivided update, which provided many quality of life upgrades as well as new looks for many favorite Empire favorites. Creative Assembly, the company behind Total War, is also looking to provide a much more open roadmap of what they’re doing:
Something we’re also experimenting with is talking about upcoming content more and giving you more of a sense of scale as to when you can expect updates. This is risky for us as we’ve seen what happens when people get upset over how long we’re taking, or when we need to move a date back because sometimes things take longer to make (or change) than we expect.
When we announced delays for THREE KINGDOMS, we heard loud and clear from all quarters of the community that you’d prefer to wait for something great out of the gates, rather than getting something sooner that wasn’t quite there and required further updates, and I hope you’ll agree that the result was one of our best-ever launches. So while we’ll always try to aim true with dates, choosing to move a date back is almost certainly going to happen again at some point, or we may decide to change the content we have planned.
And for what it’s worth, in case you were ever in doubt about how closely we heed player feedback, we’ve blown a stack of skill points on levelling up how your wants and needs translate to tangible in-game changes. We now have a Player Experience Manager on the team whose life’s work it is to scrutinise every channel out there which players use to express their feedback and desire for change. This gets compiled, weighted and prioritised, then goes directly to the designers who figure it into future updates. We hope you’ll already have a sense of how that effort has translated into fixes and content-changes in recent updates like Empire Undivided
In other words, while Greenskins will be getting an update next year, there’s no guarantees as to when. However, with clear communication and transparency being mentioned so much in the announcement, it feels like you’ll at the very least get to be able to see what exactly is coming. So stay tuned for more updates… and in the meantime, enjoy the Hunter and the Beast!
Good luck generals!