Sailor Moon Crystal: Truth or Bluff’ Will Have You Guessing Until The End

Enjoy a light hearted bluffing party game with all your favorite Sailor Scouts! …and also Sailor Moon.
In games in general, the theme (if any) lies parallel to the gameplay. One Night Ultimate Werewolf certainly makes more sense within the theme of villagers trying it rid themselves of a pesky lycanthrope, but the gameplay would be unchanged if it were a group of 10 dentists trying to figure out which of them didn’t recommend Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Toothpaste. …Actually, Bezier Games, please make that happen.
I got plans after I get Colgate as a sponsor. BIG plans…
That said, the best party games are the ones with good gameplay and an enjoyable theme and that’s where Sailor Moon Crystal: Truth or Bluff comes to play.
Sailor Moon Crystal: Truth or Bluff (SMC:ToB) is a competitive party game with (…shocker) bluffing mechanics. The goal of every player is to be the one with the most points when the game ends. Points are gained by correctly calling out when another player is bluffing you. The game ends when one of two conditions are met. These conditions change every game, keeping every game different from the last!
The first step of setup involves choosing the endgame conditions. There are a total of 10 Ending Tiles and each game will have 2, making sure each game plays out differently.
After that, each player will get a number of Character Tokens. On their turn, each player will choose a token and pass it facedown to another player, declaring which character the token depicts, lying if they so choose.
The receiving player has 2 options:
- Look at the tile and pass it along to another player
- Decide if they think the passing player is lying or telling the truth
If the receiving player correctly determines if the passing player is lying, they get a Success Token, which grants from 1 to 3 victory points. To add a little extra to the game, players can add villain tokens which can cause additional effects if they are found out! However, once one of the ending conditions is met, the game is over and whichever player has the most points wins!
Sailor Moon Crystal: Truth or Bluff – $34.99 – Available August
Are you telling the truth or bluffing? Keep your opponents guessing as you pass tiles around the table and try not to get caught being too obvious. Watch out for the Dark Kingdom villains, though, because they can mess with your plans. When one player triggers the end of the game they are defeated and the player with the most number of Success Tokens is the winner!
AdvertisementA hilarious party game of deception and misdirection featuring super-deformed caricatures of your favourite Sailor Moon Crystal guardians!
- 3 – 8 Players
- 20 – 40 minutes
- Ages 10+
Sailor Jupiter is best girl