Warcry: Iron Golem & Untamed Beasts Unboxed

The two Warbands from the Starter Set now have their own releases – check out what you’re getting in their boxes!
If you skipped out on the Warband Starter set but wanted to pick up or expand your existing Iron Golem / Untamed Beast Warband now is your chance. They’ve got new warband boxes and they have exactly what you’d expect:
The Warcry Grows
These two boxes are pretty much exactly what you’d expect – the same sprues and cards from the starter set, but only for their respective Warbands. This shouldn’t be a shocker – but at least this is all confirmed now.
Iron Golem
What you may forget is that you also get all the cards and rules for your warband in the box, too. These are the same cards you would have gotten in the Starter Set, but again, only for their respective Warbands.
They do come in multiple languages which is nice. Now that they are available for individual purchase, all 6 of the starter warbands can be picked-up individually now. So if you were just wanting a specific warband and wanted to dive in, you can do that now. All you really need is a box and a rule book and you’re ready to start playing Warcry – after you build you models, of course!
I still think these sculpts are all pretty great. For skirmish models, they are pretty impressive and make for some pretty striking and thematic warbands. I can see why GW chose these two as the ones for their starter set, too – as they both play very different from each other. Remember that you can also use these warbands as a unit in Age of Sigmar and with their box releases, you can also field larger sized units which opens up some interesting possibilities.
The Iron Golem and Untamed Beasts are hitting stores this weekend!
Iron Golem $50
Untamed Beasts $50
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