Warhammer 40K: It’s Time For New Primaris Heroes

With the Psychic Awakening on the way, it’s the perfect time new Primaris Heroes to rise up.
Games Workshop is looking to expand and grow the lore of the Warhammer 40,000 universe with the upcoming Psychic Awakening. And while it could be similar to the End Times that Warhammer Fantasy went through, it doesn’t sound quite as dramatic as the entire universe exploding. But it could… Anyhow, GW has committed to moving the story and timelines forward – that much we know. With every army getting new stuff, we’re excited to see what they will come up with. However, there is one area we’re kind of hoping they move into more: New Primaris Heroes!
We’ve talked about how we think some of the current characters could be updated with the Rubicon Primaris and how they might look. At the same time, we had few folks comment they’d rather/also like to see some brand new Primaris Characters instead of just updated old ones. And you know what, the more we thought about it, we agreed! That said, we know at least one is definately on the way.
The Iron Hands are supposed to be receiving a new Primaris Character – which we’re hoping is a brand new Primaris Character. And when we say “Primaris Character” we’re not talking about a Marine character that underwent the Rubicon Primaris to convert into an upgraded Primaris Marine. We’re talking about a person who was and is and has always been a Primaris Marine. Fresh blood, folks!
Primaris Are On The Rise
Let’s face facts – Primaris Marines are on the rise. GW is making new kits for them and slowly integrating them into all the big chapters. Even the Dark Angels have started to accept Primaris into their Inner Circle. They are becoming more and more important in each and every chapter. When a Marine falls, who do you think replaces them? Unless the chapter is fervently against Primaris Marines (and there are a few), then a Primaris Marine is probably doing the back-filling as a new recruit.
There will come a tipping point in the future where Primaris Marines will out number their classic marine brothers. That’s if they don’t already. The Replacements are here – they are the next generation and they aren’t going to stop.
Clean Out The Closet
While all these Primaris are moving in, it’s also a good opportunity for Games Workshop to clear out the closet – and by closet, we mean their catalog of old miniatures. There are a LOT of old heroes that have 20 year old miniatures and it’s getting to the point where they just don’t fit any more. And I seriously doubt that GW is going to have all of them cross the Rubicon Primaris – successfully at least. The procedure is supposed to have a MASSIVE failure rate after all. And yet, it seems like the Characters that are coming over have that all powerful Plot-Armor to protect them.
“I’m ready to be Primaris’d…wait, I DON’T make it? Uh oh…”
Again, this is where the new Primaris Heroes can come it. They would be a breath of fresh air with no baggage to carry. All new sculpts. All new backstories that are suitably epic! And hey, what about a Primaris Chapter Master? Perhaps from one of the All Primaris chapters? I’m just sayin’ someone has to be in charge.
By the same token, I think the old heroes that aren’t going to make the jump should go out in truly epic and inspiring ways! Which brings us to my final point…
The Psychic Awakening Is The Time
We don’t know what is going to happen. But if this event is as big and as story changing as GW says it is, then shouldn’t some characters go out in an EPIC fashion?! Heck, GW killed off a BUNCH of characters in the End Times and provided a ton lore about those fights. If you’ve read any of the End Times books, then you know that most of the deaths were suitably epic and totally worth it. There were a few duds, sure, but for the most part you had heroes dueling in the skies and battling scores of Bloodthirsters before going out! We had storylines come crashing to a head and finally getting resolved after YEARS. That’s what we’re hoping for – that’s of course IF GW decides to “retire” the old heroes.
With all these factors coalescing at once, we think the time is right for the Primaris Heroes to rise up. The forge is hot and the time to strike is now, GW. So – where are all the Primaris Heroes at?
What do you think? Would you like to see some new Primaris Heroes rise up or would you rather keep seeing old models getting the Primaris Treatment? Why not both?!