Warhammer 40K: New Imperial Fists Character Tor Garadon

There is a new batch of leaks floating around the internet and the Imperial Fists are getting a new Character – Tor Garadon!
Well this is interesting! It seems that the next two supplements are already getting leaked and the Salamanders and the Imperial Fists (and friends) are next up. Today, we got a tip that there was an image of the new datasheet for the Imperial Fist Character Tor Garadon. We tracked it down to a facebook group:
Along with this image there was another confirming that there are 3 characters in the upcoming supplement:
- Captain Lysander
- Tor Garadon
- Pedro Kantor
Now this is all pretty exciting news! Now the question is who all has crossed the Rubicon Primaris? Obviously Tor Garadon is a Primaris Marine – but what about Lysander and Pedro?
We had some theories about Lysander and how GW could pretty easily convert him over to a Primaris Marine, similar to how Calgar got Up-sized.
Slap him in Gravis Armor, and transfer the shield and hammer and you’ve pretty much got it covered.
As for Pedro Kantor, we’ll have to see what they do with him. My guess is that if they DID Primaris-size him, he’d be in Mk. X armor with Dorn’s Arrow re-attached and he would look suitably epic!
Now – about Tor Garadon! He’s a Captain with a Grav-gun and a unique Power Fist called the Hand of Defiance. While the Power Fist is cool, this answers one question I’ve had for a long time about Primaris and Grav-weapons. He’s the first indication that Grav-weapons are used by the Primaris which is also a new thing for them. Are we finally going to see more Primaris options with Grav-weapons? Maybe new Heavy Weapon options similar to Devastator but Primaris’d? We’ll have to wait and see…
For now, the Imperial Fists are on deck and they have some more friends on the way, too. Dorn’s boys are going to be so happy!
The Siege Masters are coming…