Warhammer 40K: Primaris Eliminators & Phobos Lieutenant Unboxed

The Primaris Marines are getting the kits for the new Eliminators and a new Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armor!
If you’ve been wanting to expand your Primaris Army with more of the Vanguard options like Eliminators or a Phobos Lieutenant, we’ve got some good news – they are coming to stores next week. But for now, take a look inside their boxes to see what you’re getting:
Phobos For All
The Lieutenant is new and has a pretty neat pose with him leaping over a smoke grenade. Thematically, if you were looking to run a majority Phobos armored army, then this mode is a great addition for you. Lieutenants are generally really useful to have next to units for their aura abilities. He’s a great fit next to a unit of Primaris Reivers or really any unit of Phobos-equipped Marines.
The kit itself is pretty simple. It’s a single sprue but it’s packed with all the crazy details you would expect. It does end up being a mono-pose model, but you can do little things like a head swap or custom base to make this one your own. As an example, I can see folks skipping the grenade on the base if they were running two or three of these.
The Eliminators are your anti-character/anti-vehicle unit – at least, in theory. I was genuinely hoping that the release of the new kit would allow you to take more than just 3 per unit, but unfortunately, you cannot. Oh well, maybe in the next codex. Anyhow, the kit itself is pretty solid. You get three different sprues and all three have different Eliminators compared to the Shadowspear boxed set.
There are a lot of little bits and options that allow you to customize these models a little bit more, even if they are basically mono-pose models. This kit also includes options that allow you to build them with the new Las Fusil options that we’ve been seeing as well. I like the look of this kit and I’m glad to see all the different head options. With the mono-pose models, it’s hard to create that variety but I think GW did a good job squeezing that in where they could.
Both of these kits are up for pre-order this weekend and will be in stores next week. If you’ve been waiting to add these sneaky elements to your army you patience is about to be rewarded.
Targets marked. Firing in 3…2…1…