Warhammer 40K: Psychic Awakening Galaxy Map & First Campaign Revealed

Games Workshop is ramping up the Psychic Awakening goodies and today we get our first look at the map and the first Campaign has been named!
It seems that times are indeed changing as GW has launched a new Galactic Map for the Psychic Awakening. On top of that the first Campaign “Phoenix Rising” has been revealed.
“This new page centres around a living map of the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy in the wake of the Great Rift. As the series progresses, new key war zones be highlighted as the implications of the Psychic Awakening spread. It will also serve as your hub for all of the latest Psychic Awakening news, with weekly updates in the form of articles, teasers, videos, new models fiction and moreā¦”
It sure sounds like this could a global campaign-type event as well as a major push forward in the story of Warhammer 40,000. The first update is slated for Monday, so get ready for the Psychic Awakening to shake things up.
The First Campaign
So the first campaign of Psychic Awakening is “Phoenix Rising” – anyone want to take some stabs at what that could mean (psst, it’s Aeldari)? As the first campaign, it’s going to be setting the stage for all things to come as well as introducing a lot of the cast and players for this event. But who could be involved (other than Aeldari)? Well, that’s the big question, right?
One comes to mind immediately for me is the Phoenix Lords of the Aeldari. We haven’t really heard much of their front pretty much since Gathering Storm and the events that lead up to the Great Rift. The Ynnari, after-all, played a key role in all that – so where are the Aeldari and what have they been up to?
We know that new plastic Banshees are on the way – so perhaps that’s another hint at what is in store for them. Perhaps new Plastic Phoenix Lords? Oh man – I know fans have been screaming for that for YEARS.
It makes a lot of sense as well – especially with all the Aeldari Runes we’re seeing pop-up in the videos and teaser images.
But I wonder who they are fighting with…
Now, I also have one theory I’d like to submit – and it’s a pretty long shot. But here it is: The Phoenix is Fulgrim.
It’s a long shot…but maybe not as long as you might think. We’ve gotten new Slaanesh models. And Slaanesh IS the ancient enemy of the Aeldari. We’ve been hearing hints that the Emperor’s Children are due for the “Death Guard” treatment. We got an anniversary Hair Metal Noise Marine. And let’s not forget his title is the Phoenician, which according to the Lexicanum:
“Fulgrim’s name may derive from the Latin word Fulgur, meaning electrifying, flashing, or dazzling. His title Phoenician is another term for the mythical Phoenix.”
Personally, I think the odds are pretty low that it is involved Fulgrim. However, it would be pretty exciting if it was! I guess we’ll have to wait until Monday to find out more.
What do you think of the new Galaxy Map and first Campaign? Who do you think the major players will be?