Warhammer 40K: September Update Out Now

Games Workshop has unleashed the September Update for Warhammer 40,000 – come see what all the buzz is about!
Folks, get ready for the game to change…maybe? The September Update is out and the design team at GW has gone in and made some tweaks and changes. There were some key things that were called out by GW:
So all the FAQ and Errata for pretty much all the armies in the game have been updated. Follow the link below to get to the FAQ Page for GW:
Warhammer 40,000 FAQ Page
- Click on the Warhammer 40,000 Logo
- In the right drop down box, select Sort by: A – Z
- Now select Sort by: Recently Updated to get access to all the freshly updated FAQs in order.
Overall, it doesn’t seem like GW has shaken the boat too much with this update. If you were expecting points changes – those are coming in the Chapter Approved later this year. With no new Beta Rules or Balance changes, this one should just be a quick clean-up of the rules and questions that have popped up since April. We haven’t gotten a chance to dig deep into these changes just yet – but you can bet we’re on the lookout for those changes, too!
The FAQ Update is LIVE – GO GO GO!!!
Update: We’ve had a little bit of time to check the majority of the updates and FAQs. For the most part, this update is really just a “Clean-Up” update. Many of the wargear options, wound differences, and rules changes in Codex: Space Marines have been filtered out to all the other Space Marine Chapters. On a positive note, Grey Knights got access to Shock Assault. Marines did “lose” much of the Specialist Detachment rules in Vigilius Defiant, but those have moved over to the Space Marine book anyhow. But for everyone one else that got an update – it’s mostly just changing the language for be more consistent across the game. That said, be sure to check your own army to see if you are seriously impacted (but we don’t think so unless you have some very specific corner-case options).