Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Primaris Character Showcase

We’ve got 7 Primaris Characters (so far) – Let’s take a look at them and see how they stack up!
The Rubicon Primaris is in full effect and characters from every chapter seem to be making the jump. So far we’ve gotten 7 named Primaris Characters and possibly more on the way. Today, we’re going to take a look at each one and see how they compare.
Marneus Calgar
Calgar was “the first” big named character to really take the plunge. Personally, I think his new model does a great job of paying homage to it’s old model while being new and different. Plus, the paint job on the GW model highlights the Gauntlets of Ultramar’s age and I thought that was a really nice touch.
Varro Tigurius
Prime Time Tiggy certainly has been Primaris’d – and you could argue that it is an improvement over his old model…but that wasn’t a very high bar. He’s still rocking his staff and the pose is suitably “psyker-like” but the model just doesn’t seem all that imposing. It’s not that it’s bad – it’s just kind of bland. That said, he does have the coolest nick-name of the bunch!
Kor’sarro Khan
Khan is a cool character and he’s got a dude’s head in his hand so I’m not going to talk bad about him. I do think he should have had a bike option…but hey, I’m not complaining! Nope. You can put Moonfang down man, I don’t have any issues with this model – it’s great! The greatest even! As long as my head isn’t next on his list…
Feirros the Iron Father here is a great model. He is the first Primaris Techmarine and he’s got a bunch of stuff going on! I love the servo-harness with the mounted heavy bolter. The bionics are sweet, too! And that axe means business. If I were an Iron Hand’s player, I’d find a way to include this model in every list.
Kayvaan Shrike
Shrike is another character that was formerly a “classic” marine and under went the Rubicon Primaris. Aside from the extra-emo hair, I actually really like the update. I know quite a few folks who are planning a simple headswap for a beaky helmet and I think that’s perfectly acceptable. Side note: I do think the extra-scenic base is a *tad* tall but it is pretty epic. So minus points for being an easy target, but bonus style points – it all balances out.
Tor Garadon
The Imperial Fists are getting an update to Tor Garadon! While he’s techically not a new character (he’s mentioned in previous lore bits) he is getting an imposing new model. That Power Fist is something else! And he’s also in Gravis armor, too. I’m excited for this model because it proves that Primaris Marines still use Grav-weapons. Shoulder mounts for the win! Plus, I’m really hoping we see some more units with Gravis armor and Garadon could be a cool character for that particular unit. Time will tell.
Adrax Agatone
Our final Primaris Character (for now) this model is looking HAWT! The base is freaking lava, man. The armor looks worthy of Vulkan and the hammer, cloak and flamer all look Salamanders approriate. I’m really digging this model and I know one painter who is going to be super excited when he hits shelves.
The Primaris Awaits
So once again, that is all the Primaris Characters that have been revealed so far. We’re very curious about some of the other named characters and if they are getting a new miniature or not. What’s going to happen to Lysander, Kantor, Vulkan He’stan and others? What about the Black Templars?! High Marshal Helbrecht or the Emperor’s Champion? And let’s not even get into the other First Founding chapters…
Who’s going to cross over and who’s going to stick around? Guess we’ll find when the time comes!
What do you think of the Primaris Character Line-up so far? Which characters would you like to see the Primaris Treatment? Or would you rather see some fresh Primaris Blood?