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Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Supplements – The Plot Thickens

3 Minute Read
Sep 11 2019
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Games Workshop has updated the Armies of the Imperium on their webstore and it looks like they might have just tipped their hand for the Space Marines.

By now I think we can safely assume which Space Marine Chapters are getting a Supplement entry. GW teased us with the image of the 6 supplements and at this point, we now now what 4 of them are: Ultramarines, White Scars, Iron Hands, and Raven Guard. So what about the last 2? Well, Games Workshop might have just dropped yet another big clue.

Aside from the mis-labeled dice cubes (which I’m sure you’ve probably seen all over the internet at this point),  there has been one more official update that GW has teased us with and this one is currently on their webstore.

via Games Workshop (spotted by a sharp eyed BoLS Prime member – THANK YOU!)

That’s right – there are some new Space Marine Chapter Headings in the sidebar. You can see that the Black Templars, Imperial Fists, and Salamanders are all getting new headings. Why do you suppose these three chapters are getting new headings?

“But hey, there are only TWO supplements teased – that’s THREE chapters!” Yes. But remember that the Imperial Fists, Black Templars and the Crimson Fists are all “Sons of Dorn” and there is a good chance that those three are going to get rolled into a single book. Or, based on this new image, maybe it’s just going to be the Black Templars and the Imperial Fists.

“Yeah – those are my sons.”


Regardless, it’s pretty safe bet that the Salamanders are up in the next wave as well as (at minimum) the Imperial Fists/Black Templars. Maybe GW was being sneaky and only teasing 6 books when there were more than 6 total on the way. We’ll find out soon enough however! The Iron Hands and Raven Guard are coming to pre-order this weekend so we’re expecting the other two books to get revealed in the next week (the 15th) or the following week (the 22nd). But then again, things have been a little turbulent on the political side of things so that could all change.

First Founding Problems

This also leaves us with the question about the other First Founding Space Marines. What – if anything – will GW do with the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves? These chapters have gotten FAQ and Errata update which have allowed them to use the newer units. But are they going to get new codexes as well or are we going to see them get some type of supplemental update?

Furthermore, what if GW is planning on updating them via the Psychic Awakening event? That seems like a logical time to do that without the need for an entire new Codex. They have said they are planning on updating every army with this event and it could be done via some type of Campaign book system which we’ve seen in the past.


Blood Angels, Dark Angels and the Space Wolves all have logos on this list. And it also look like GW is planning out this Psychic Awakening for a pretty long window. The Aeldari stuff is already being teased and who knows when that is actually going to be released…and what that will lead into. Big things are stirring in the Grimdark, folks…


What do you make of the website updates? Do you think the Imperial Fists and Black Templars are going to share a supplement? And what about the Crimson Fists? And will we see a new Vulkan model for the Salamanders?


Author: Adam Harrison
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